December 4, 2015

Calixto Ochoa – Me voy pal’ Campo

Calixto Ochoa, front

One of our visitors told me. On the 18th of november the world
lost one of the greatest in vallenato. He was one of the members
of Los Corraleros de Majagual and formed his own group later.
Calixto de jesús Ochoa died in a hospital in Sincelejo, Sucre,
Colombia age 81. He won the prestigeous Festival Vallenato
in 1970 and was responsable for quite some hits like ‘los
Sabanales’, ‘Mata’e Caña’, ‘el Mosquito’ and many others.
He was a gifted singer and acordeonist. I dug up this
record which contains eight songs by his hand.
Enjoy and remember Calixto Ochoa.
..para nunca mas olvidar..
read more..


01 – Me voy pal’ campo
02 – El errante
03 – Celos de maria
04 – El encargo
05 – Por tu culpa
06 – Gavilan pollero
07 – Acompañame a sufrir
08 – El cantor de valencia
09 – Que risa
10 – La vi nacer
11 – Sanguijuela
12 – El candidato


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One Comment

  1. daniel 5 December 2015 at 03:41 - Reply

    Definitely one of the greats and his music will hopefully live as long as possible, thank you for helping it happen

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