December 5, 2015

Franco présente Kiesse Diambu
Pesa ye Mbote, V.I.S.A. / Disco Stock 1980

Kiesse Diambu, front

Kiesse Diambu

Presented by the great Luambu Makiadi Franco, this is Kiesse Diambu.
We had not seen him before here at the Global Groove but we’re as
happy as possible to have him. ( After your refreshing comments I rewrote
this, we hear Empire Bakuba and not OK Jazz. ) I love the sound on this album.
Their wonderful voices, the astonishing rhythms, a real gem. Get it and
spread it the way you’re used to. Enjoy Kiesse Diambu..


01 – Pesa ngai luzitu
02 – Silefe
03 – Celibataire
04 – Epitaphe


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  1. Moos 5 December 2015 at 15:10 - Reply

    Some parts it is like I’m hearing Pépé Kallé or is that a strange
    thing to say..? ..backsleeve does not give any info..

  2. glinka21 5 December 2015 at 18:26 - Reply

    A gray, cold day. This gives it color and warmth.

  3. Shad 6 December 2015 at 10:06 - Reply

    Much thanks for this obscure record! Kiesse was also a member of Empire Bakuba, Tabu Ley’s Afrisa International, and Les Grands Maquisards. He also released this album ( and a couple more.

  4. Moos 6 December 2015 at 21:27 - Reply

    I am confued here..
    Only because it says ‘Franco présente’ I assumed it concerns OK Jazz..
    ..quite sure I hear a lot of Pépé Kallé, track three..emoro emoro emoro..
    is it Empire Bakuba..? please tell us if you know..

  5. Shad 7 December 2015 at 10:03 - Reply

    @Moos. The band is indeed Empire Bakuba, you can audibly hear Pepe Kalle and Dilu Dilumona. Visa 80 was just one of Franco’s labels. Guitars are Doris Ebuya, Kinanga Boeing, Elvis Kunku (rhythm) and bassist is MP Cheniet Milandou. Drums is Sammy Maracas.

  6. Fried 8 December 2015 at 23:24 - Reply

    And once you post Rochereau a Abidjan Vol.2 we’ll hear Kiesse Diambu again in one of the all time best fo Congolese muzic: zuwa te !!

  7. David 10 December 2015 at 01:16 - Reply

    FABULOUS album! Long time favorite of mine. Don’t miss it!

  8. peacenik 10 December 2015 at 01:41 - Reply

    Beautiful music! I am so thankful that there is apparently no end to these wonderful Congolese releases. Gracias Moos.

  9. Anonymous 17 August 2019 at 23:25 - Reply

    The voice behind Vaccination by Lutumba Simaro.

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