January 23, 2016

African Fiesta, Nico, Rochereau, Dechaud
& Mizele – Merveilles du Passé 1963
african 360.161, 1987

Merveilles du Passé 1963, voorkant

Goeiemorgen groevers, voor dat we doorschakelen naar andere
stromingen nog eentje dan. Dit is nummer 161 in de african serie.
Je ziet het al, liedjes uit 1963 van Nico, Rochereau, Dechaud en
Mizele. Ik weet niet zo goed wat ik er verder over moet zeggen
behalve dat ik zeker weet dat je ze niet zou willen missen.
Ga maar snel luisteren dus en geef ze weer door ja..

Goodmorning groovers, before moving on to the next genre
one more in the african series we like so much. It is no. 161
and gives us songs from 1963 by Nico, Rochereau, Dechaud
and Mizele as you can see. I’m not so sure what to say more
but being certain you would not want to miss them.
So go listen quickly and pass them on again okay..

titels ;

01 – A si tu vieras
02 – Calaboso
03 – Tabalissimo
04 – Molangi ya malasi
05 – Cubana na vis-a-vis
06 – Le chant de malory
07 – Foti ya ye
08 – Pablito
09 – Sukisa
10 – Cafe rio


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  1. Vuutt 24 January 2016 at 01:16 - Reply


  2. Pim 24 January 2016 at 23:28 - Reply

    Hoop dat de volgende post accordeonmuziek is of een generieke lp met wijf in bikini op de voorkant. Want anders blijf ik downloaden en m’n vrouw zeggen dat ze stil moet zijn.

    Dank weer!

  3. glinka21 25 January 2016 at 02:45 - Reply

    Pim does have a point, but then, I’m admittedly not a fan of Latin American music–or accordion music, outside of Bulgarian folk; and I suspect at least Latin American fanciers don’t care for the African music. So, I’ll gratefully accept with thanks whatever you care to upload. Thanks, once again, Moos.

  4. peacenik 25 January 2016 at 03:56 - Reply

    a week of stellar african music posts – thank you moos!

  5. rik 25 January 2016 at 20:22 - Reply

    I love African and Latin music for more then 35 years. That’s why this site is so great.Variety.

    • Moos 25 January 2016 at 21:55 - Reply

      Exactly my point of view Rik, variety is everything..!

  6. reservatory 21 February 2016 at 12:03 - Reply

    Another 360 gap filled. Thanks, as always!

  7. Anonymous 1 July 2017 at 12:03 - Reply

    good job
    thanks !

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