January 29, 2016

El Conde y su Corte – La Negra Petrona
Victoria 1976

El Conde y su Corte, voorkant

De plaat van vandaag is voor mensen als Pim en Glinka
maar vooral voor Rik. De eerste omdat hij expliciet heeft
gevraagd om een wijf in bikini op de voorkant. De tweede
omdat deze nodig eens zijn horizon zou moeten verbreden
en de derde omdat hij een liefhebber is van variatie en naar
allerlei soorten muziek luistert met veel plezier, net als ikzelf.
Lucho Campillo en Policarpo Calle hebben niet alleen de meest
prachtige namen, hun groep ‘el Conde y su Corte’ komt voor de
dag met dit heerlijke stukje Colombiaanse Porro en dergelijke.
Alles klopt aan deze plaat, lekkere sound, lekkere stemmen,
en ook nog een lekkere meid op de hoes, typisch global
groove topmateriaal dus, kortom luister maar snel..

Today’s record is specially for people like Pim and Glinka
but mostly for Rik. The first because he asked explicitly for one
with a girl in bikini at the frontsleeve. The second because it
is hightime to broaden his horizon and the third because he is
a lover of variety and listens to all kinds of music with pleasure
just like I do. Lucho Campillo and Policarpo Calle don’t just have
beautiful names, their group ‘el Conde y su Corte’ appears here
today with this delightful piece of Colombian porro and such.
Everything about this record is right, great sound, great voices
and a pretty girl on the frontsleeve to complete the picture.
Typical global groove topmaterial in short, get it and
listen quickly, you won’t regret..

titels ;

01 – La negra petrona
02 – Fiestas de mi tierra
03 – Por el camino real
04 – Amor ingrato
05 – Lucerito de la mañana
06 – Manuela
07 – Santico milagroso
08 – La mochita
09 – Caminito de arena
10 – La vacuna



  1. Pim 29 January 2016 at 14:06 - Reply

    Wat leuk dat je aan me denkt! Ik vind de bikini heel geslaagd.

    Toch maar even proberen dan, al was het maar om niet in de tweede categorie terecht te komen.

    • Moos 29 January 2016 at 17:37 - Reply

      goedzo Pim, ik ben trots op je..
      oh and Glinka, of course never meant to hurt your feelings..

  2. Rik 29 January 2016 at 22:50 - Reply

    Hi Moos, Just as you I was exposed to many types of let’s call it ‘dancing music’ from a very early age. My father who loved jazz and blues and my uncle who lived in Congo broadend my musical mind from a very early age. The first Afro jazz I can remember was Fela Kuti on tv,with my father commenting on the funny sigarettes he was smoking,much did I know. I think I must have been six. Although I had been exposed to Congolese rumba even earlier ska was the first music I collected,Byron Lee was my favourite. My oupa used to call it kermesse music good but not the real thing as he favoured jazz. Holidays to Congo flavoured my life with rumba but also with zouk and salsa. I discovered the music of Celia Cruz that side. I lived also some years in Zim where my wife and kids were born. We frequented many nightclubs and saw a lot of bands. I was very close with the Lubumbashi Stars,danced with Thomas Mapfumo and deejayd in the Mafukwa nightclub in Warren park D . Even in Zim was besides jiti and mpantsula,salsa flavouring my life as quite some Zimbabweans studied in Cuba.Those friends were more than happy to listen to Latin music with us.Trips to Zambia made me love Kalindula and the story goes on and on. I guess that I am blessed that I had a life full of joy and good music. Now we stay in Belgium and frankly speaking life is comfortable but boring. Sites like yours bring back all these memories , so again and again thank you. Riiki.

    • Moos 30 January 2016 at 09:59 - Reply

      You are a lucky man Riiki, I love your story and envy yhe way tou grew up.
      I am very happy to be able to send you down memory lane and hope there are many like you
      who can find stuff from the past they cherish memories with, thanks for sharing your thoughts..

  3. GonzalezonSpeed 31 January 2016 at 05:20 - Reply

    Nou dat is weer een fantassssstische plaat Moos, die gaat direct op de USB-stick
    en knallen maar in de wagen, op vinylsafari door Panama :-))

    • Moos 31 January 2016 at 10:33 - Reply

      ..echt hè, ik ben er ook heel blij mee, en die van
      Felix Morales die jij hebt meegebracht trouwens ook..

  4. Christophe 31 January 2016 at 22:10 - Reply

    Very nice record indeed ! Thanks Moos.

  5. GonzalezonSpeed 1 February 2016 at 02:28 - Reply

    Hi Moos, ik was nog niet aan die plaat van Felix Morales toegekomen maar ik heb hem inmiddels beluisterd en die is ook verpletterend goed.
    Alle haren uit mijn kop dat ik hem niet zelf gehouden heb :))

  6. Javier (Cali) 29 April 2016 at 00:09 - Reply

    Muchas Gracias.

  7. juanito 7 January 2017 at 22:29 - Reply

    ….deze is echt… ECHT…echt heel bijzonder.. thnx!!

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