January 21, 2016

Eternel Docteur Nico et l’Orchestre African Fiesta
Merveilles du Passé 1967
african 360.160, 1986

Docteur Nico, voorkant

Er wachten nog steeds meerdere plaatjes in de ‘african’ 360.000
serie. Dit is er een van. Ik weet niet wat Docteur Nico zocht in
die tijd, rumbaatjes in Lingala, cha-cha’s in gebroken Spaans en
zelfs Engelstalige jerks allemaal dwars door elkaar maar wel heel
vermakelijk . In feite kan de man niet stuk, wat hij ook deed, de
kwaliteit loopt ervan af. Dus twijfel nu niet en haal snel binnen.
Nicolas kasanda met orchestre African Fiesta in top vorm..

There are still several discs in the ‘african’ 360.00 series waiting
to get posted. This is another of them. I’m not sure what Docteur
Nico was searching for in those days, rumba’s in Lingala, Cha-cha’s
in broken Spanish and even English jerks, all mixed on this nice album.
What ever the good doctor did, it was all good. So do not hesitate and
get this record as we speak, Nicolas Kasanda and orchestre
African Fiesta in top condition..

titels ;

01 – Yo canto
02 – La jolie bebe
03 – A follow the sun
04 – Je m’en fous
05 – Mbandaka
06 – El tonto de mi lugar
07 – Marie-pauline
08 – Eramorando
09 – How my closen
10 – Nakendeki koyekola na poto
11 – Si te que moura casa
12 – When a man loves a woman


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  1. Mangue 21 January 2016 at 10:47 - Reply

    Nieuwe actie in de Zorg: Dorteur Nico verplicht in het Basispakket!!!!
    Doe je mee Moos?

  2. glinka21 22 January 2016 at 05:18 - Reply

    Thank you, Moos. For pure sweetness and clarity of tone, Dr. Nico has never been equaled, in my opinion.

  3. rik 22 January 2016 at 07:49 - Reply

    Hi Moos Dr Nico always had a keen interest in international music and covered some French chansons also.When I was young my favorite was j”y pense et puis j’oublie’a song from Claude François but the African Fiesta version was way smoother.I lost unfortunately the tape long ago and never heard the song again.I remember also English covers like What I say from Ray Charles played in Congo although I can’t remember the band.When Congolese. bands played live it happened sometimes that they started with international hits to warm up the crowd.It was a way to show the capacity of the band to play any type of music Anyway tthanks for this gem.It’s nice to hear some of the songs again which I loved so much when I was young.

  4. david 22 January 2016 at 11:59 - Reply

    Thank you for keeping his memory alive. It’s impossible to listen to too much Nico!

  5. Pim 24 January 2016 at 22:40 - Reply

    Omdat ik niet weet waar ik de tijd vandaan moet halen om alles te luisteren, probeer ik je site te mijden. Helaas vandaag weer niet gelukt.

    Hoewel ik niet heel goed begrijp goed waarom Nico zo’n grote is, kan ik dit rariteitenkabinet toch niet weigeren. Een Beatles-cover, nota bene verkeerd getiteld! A love it.

    En Words of Love van Buddy Holly, dat Nico argeloos hertitelt naar How My Closen. Goud waard.

    Dank dus.

  6. Mr. OK Jazz 6 February 2016 at 07:06 - Reply

    Can never get enough Dr. Nico, thank you as always for sharing these treasures!

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