January 31, 2016

Oumou Kouyate – Kala Djoula

Oumou Kouyate, voorkant

Uit Mali hebben we vandaag een schijf van jelimusolu
zangeres Oumou Kouyate. De eerste op haar naam
die hier langs komt. Uit welk jaar hij komt heb ik niet
kunnen vinden, misschien weet een van jullie het. De
plaat opent met een killer track die me direct over de
streep trok hem te plaatsen. Luister zelf..

Another great voice from the jelimusolu from Mali is her’s.
Oumou kouyate appears here first time with five tracks.
Lassissi and Sacodis arranged this recording, the year of
release is not quite clear. The lp opens with a killer track
which pulled me over the line of posting this album.

titels ;

01 – Kala djoula
02 – Founnou nanan
03 – Yougou ba
04 – Oumou nanan
05 – Ya woni


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  1. Moos 31 January 2016 at 13:19 - Reply

    This week I mentioned three people in a post, joking around with them.
    Two of the three already reacted, I’m still witing for the third..

  2. Mangue 1 February 2016 at 00:23 - Reply

    Thanks Moos, for this one, music from Mali & Guinee for me always OK!!
    And according RadioAfrica’s (Graeme Counsel) Malian discography this one is from 1985.

  3. Tim Harrison 1 February 2016 at 01:51 - Reply

    Moos, I understand what you mean by “pulling you over the line.” The opener is a cracker, but some of the other tracks are a bit weak. She has a very distinctive voice, not as strong as some of ther other well-known Mali divas, but she is well-supported by some talented musicians. The LP is growing on me already after two listens this morning.

  4. glinka21 1 February 2016 at 02:50 - Reply

    Thanks, Moos! Not exactly the kind of disc I expect to find here, but I’m a great fan of the Malinese griots these days.

  5. ngoni 1 February 2016 at 21:30 - Reply

    Thanks Moos, this album is interesting to keep track of musicians from Mali exile in Ivory Coast, probably this album was recorded on the occasion of the visit of Oumou Kouyaté in “1980 – Concert au Centre Culturel d’Abidjan”, no women among the musicians of Mali living in Abidjan and then visits of a Jelimuso should be an event.
    Oumou Kouyaté with her so personal voice must charm and disrupt to Abdou Lassissi a Nigerian producer of Salsa music.
    The date of the album I intuit between 1980 and 1982 when SACODIS released the LS 62, of Ousmane Kouyaté.
    There are some typographical errors in names, ‘Allassane Samane’ is really Alassane Soumano, who along with Jacob ‘Jimmy’ Soubeiga, Cheick Tidiane Seck and ‘Mohamane Tandina’, really Mahamane Toure Tandina (Maha) formed at that time the group ‘Les Asselars’.

  6. Mangue 2 February 2016 at 11:49 - Reply

    Ngoni, I think you’re right, looking at the and also Ousmane playing.
    I know that Kouyate is a very very common name, but any relation between Oumou and Ousmane?
    For further info found a (preliminary) Sacodisc discography here:
    Salut, Mangue

    • ngoni 2 February 2016 at 19:42 - Reply

      Oumou is Malian, based in Paris, Ousmane comes from Guinea,
      and I think that living in Bamako.
      Oumou Kouyaté truly convinces more accompanied by a classic ‘foli’, that this improvised accompaniment of light music, but could have been better with more work and time.
      If you want to enjoy Oumou Kouyaté in his voice at the right time, listen to this beautiful job where they forgot to write her name.

      • Mangue 4 February 2016 at 11:51 - Reply

        Ngoni thanks for the info and link, the music is brilliant / la musique est magnifique!!
        Put the album on top of my search list.

  7. Kabako 2 February 2016 at 16:24 - Reply

    Thanks ngoni for the Abdou Lassissi -hint; from that album, I would not have recocgnised Oumou as a great djelimusso, with lots of ngara.

    Do you know her heritage?


  8. glinka21 3 February 2016 at 01:20 - Reply

    I’m not finding anything save the Deezer login screen when I go there. Oh…soon available “in my country.” So much for that. I guess checking again in 2200 may work. :\

    • ngoni 3 February 2016 at 14:13 - Reply

      Glinka21, sorry, I hit those Deezer links, because his web allows you to listen the albums in full by registering, but unfortunately the borders exist on the Internet.
      Here you have the information , look for audio by yourself.
      The first is a concert recorded in Italy in 1995, then a nice version of the classic Nana Kadidia by Oumou Kouyaté with Moriba Koita, in an album of collaborations with European musicians in 2007.
      -Griot Songs And Rhythm – Mande Foli
      -Nana, third song of the album: Different Colors Vol. 2
      Stephan Rigert’s Talking Drums

    • glinka21 3 February 2016 at 22:15 - Reply

      Unfortunately, I’ve only got Firefox. Never been able to get IE to work on my current computer, and I haven’t installed anything else.

  9. davidn 5 February 2016 at 00:53 - Reply

    Another to look forward to! Thank you.

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