May 22, 2016

Lassissi présente
Ambele Mondo & Mitzoto Wela wela
Sacodis LS 45

Ambele Mondo, voorkant

Goed mensen, vandaag weer eens een stukje stevige Congolese
sound. Ik zou het geen Soukous willen noemen, misschien eerder
Congo-Rock of Cavacha. Hoe dan ook, het betreft hier een elpee
waar ik persoonijk heel blij van word. Heerlijke zangstemmen,
voortrollende ritme-partijen, fijne blazers en snaren, een plaat
om zeker niet te missen. De naam op de hoes is natuurlijk
verkeerd gespeld en moet zijn Minzoto Wella Wella..

Allright people, today we’ll spoil you with another fine piece
of firm Congolese music. I wouldn’t call it Soukous, maybe
Congo-Rock or Cavacha. One way or the other, it concerns
an album which makes me very happy. Delightful voices,
consistent rolling rhythms, great horns and strings, an lp
not to miss. The name on the frontcover is spelled wrong
and must be Minzoto Wella Wella of course..

titels ;

01 – Yoke
02 – Bonina
03 – Sekisangai lassissi
04 – Pin gula


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  1. Anonymous 24 May 2016 at 23:35 - Reply

    Hi Moos.
    I don’t know if you have already given an answer to my following question: Why the friend sites do not appear as usual on your blog?
    Best Regards.

    • Moos 25 May 2016 at 05:58 - Reply

      I have answered your question on the location where you used to find the links.
      The RSS feeds plugin which showed the other blogs has been put on hold for research
      reasons and will be back as soon as possible..

      • Anonymous 25 May 2016 at 17:30 - Reply

        Ok. Thank you.

  2. David 25 May 2016 at 06:02 - Reply

    Great album.

  3. Tim Harrison 25 May 2016 at 14:38 - Reply

    Moos, thank you for sharing this lovely slab of Congolese pop. Let’s just categorise it as that for now! It’s one of the better albums you’ve posted this year, in my humble opinion.

  4. glinka21 25 May 2016 at 23:40 - Reply

    Thanks, Moos, for music that is truly classic in every sense of the word.

  5. Harris Diavua Salakiaku 22 August 2016 at 12:17 - Reply

    The song Yoke was remixed by Patcho Star of Zaiko Langa Langa in the album Jamais Sans Nous in 1991.

    • Anonymous 6 July 2018 at 19:14 - Reply

      Hi Harris I suppose that you are an encyclopaedia when it comes to Congolese rumba. I love rumba for more than 35 years after spending some time in Congo and being exposed to this amazing music. When I visited Discogs they mention that this album is from 1974. I was wondering if this is correct. Do you have any idea if this is right?
      Warm greeting from Belgium Rik

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