June 8, 2016

Trio Ce.Pa.Kos, Orchestre le Peuple
Pathé Marconi / EMI 1977

Cepakos, voorkant

Ze smaken zoals ze kraken..
Bij het zien van een jaren 70 Congolese elpee op Pathé Marconi
gaat het hart direkt wat sneller kloppen. Dit is er zo eentje. Wat
een prachtige plaat weer. Kouka Celio, Pamelo Mounk’a en Kosmos
Moutouari vormden deze band. Al hun albums trekken enthousiaste
luisteraars en deze zal daarop geen uitzondering vormen, hoor zelf..

Finding a seventies Congolese album on the Pathé Marconi label
makes the heart beat faster. This one is such a record. What a
beauty it is. Kouka Celio, Pamelo Mounk’a and Kosmos Moutouari
are the guys who formed this band. Their elpees always generate
an enthousiastic public and this one will surely do too, listen.
..recorded by the fireside..crackle & pop..

titels ;

01 – Sonia
02 – Tango ya la vie
03 – Mena
04 – Circulaire
05 – Malata
06 – M’boka mboka


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  1. zim 8 June 2016 at 15:05 - Reply

    Thank you Moos,

    have been looking for this one for some time. From the Matrix number this is likely from 1977

  2. laurent baudonnet 9 June 2016 at 20:53 - Reply

    What a merveille ! Thanks

  3. matata 9 June 2016 at 23:06 - Reply

    Thanks for posting this gem;despite the pops and crackle, I agree with you that it s such a beauty. Please post more of this kind of DRC music, whenever you can.

  4. Rik 10 June 2016 at 04:50 - Reply

    Love it. Where do you find this stuff,Moos? I must come to A’dam to experience one of your dancing nights. This great! Thanks mate and I didn’t downloaded it yet. But this night I will be in for a treat. Rik

  5. glinka21 10 June 2016 at 08:51 - Reply

    Thanks very much, Moos!

  6. Erik Borgh 13 June 2016 at 21:08 - Reply

    Absolute great Post!! Thanks Moos!

  7. […] Propulsion 1983 Self Titled 1981 Samantha 1982 Bantous Jazz 1985 Les Bantous de la Capitale 1976 Trio Ce.Pa.Kos, Orchestre le Peuple 1977 Les Bantous 1970 Orchestre le Peuple, Trio Ce.Pa.Kos 1977 le Peuple, Trio Ce.Pa.Kos 1975 All […]

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