July 8, 2016

Monguito el No. 1 – Yo No Soy Mentiroso
SAR 1979

Monguito, voorkant

Hier hebben we nog zo’n pracht plaat op SAR en geproduceerd
door Roberto Torres. Monguito ‘el Unico’ is een van de mannen
die er vanaf het begin bij waren. Toen de son montuno net was
uitgevonden door de grote Arsenio Rodriguez was Monguito al
op zijn album ‘Primitivo’ te horen. Één van de meest gedownloade
elpees op deze pagina overigens. Arsenio heeft helaas niet meer
kunnen meemaken hoe groot zijn creatie later nog zou worden.
De grote meester overleed eind 1970. Monguito maakte nog
vele platen, luister naar ‘Yo No Soy Mentiroso’.
Ik lieg het niet..

Today we’ve got us another wonderful album on SAR and produced
by Roberto Torres. Monguito ‘el Unico’ is one of the guys who were
there from the very beginning . When the great Arsenio Rodriguez
had just invented ‘Son Montuno’, Monguito was already there and
participated on ‘Primitivo’, one of the most downloaded albums at
this page by the way. Arsenio didn’t live to know how big his sound
became in a later stage unfortunately, he died in 1970. Monguito
made a bunch of records later, listen to ‘Yo No Soy mentiroso’.
I’m not lying..

titels ;

01 – Mi son, mi son
02 – Punteame bien el tres
03 – Guaguanco sabroso
04 – Yo no soy mentiroso
05 – Un pedacito
06 – Este rumbon


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  1. Kostas 8 July 2016 at 14:26 - Reply

    muy sabroso!

  2. Andrew H 8 July 2016 at 16:14 - Reply

    Thanks Moos, great record.

  3. Biu Awen 26 November 2016 at 16:55 - Reply

    Absolutely delicious!

  4. […] Yo No Soy Mentiroso 1979 Miren Que Suerte 1982 … and his All Star Band Monguito presents Laba Sosseh 1980 … in Curaçao 1980 Lassissi presents Monguito el Unico, Algo Diferente 1980 Sacudelo 1980 From Cuba to Africa 1980 with Laba Sosseh in USA, Salsa Africana vol. 2 1980 Monguito, El Unico 1984 Monguito el Unico y su Conjunto 1975 Pacheco y Monguito, Sabrosura 1980 Arsenio Rodriguez, Primitivo 1965 […]

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