August 19, 2016

Aroldo Santos – Até Que Enfim
Copa Musical 1975

Aroldo Santos, voorkant

Dit samba elpeetje bleek ik reeds een tijd vergeten te hebben.
Tijdens de reorganisatie van m’n platen kwam ik hem weer
tegen. Heerlijke sound uit 1975, met Aroldo Santos en zijn
sambistas. Voor de liefhebbers een aanwinst..

During the reorganisation of my vinyl collection I walked against
this samba album which was in a forgotten corner. Great 1975
sound with Aroldo Santos and his sambistas. A winner
for lovers of the genre..

titels ;

01 – Até que enfim
02 – Para mim isto não vale
03 – Batida de limão
04 – Origem do samba
05 – Enquanto a cidade dorme
06 – Cabeça, tronco e membro
07 – O mesmo de outrora
08 – Porta de cinema
09 – Me chamaram de doutor
10 – Viola de guiné
11 – Canção do amor que não ficou
12 – Apoteóse do samba


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One Comment

  1. Rik 16 September 2016 at 05:04 - Reply

    Thanks Moos, great samba, I have never been to Brasil , but I have a keen interest in Brazilian music. Besides frequenting a small Brazilian Bar every time I visited Amsterdam when I was young I am still hoping to experience the Brazilian ambiance and ‘saudade’ in the country itself. A nice Samba brings joy into my life and even makes me weep of melancholy sometimes. It reminds me of the ‘Moskens’ (that’s how we call Mozambicans in Zim) I met in Harare who made me appreciate a good Brazilian tune and of the good times we had that side. Keep it up mate. Can’t express how much I appreciate your site.

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