August 15, 2016

Nyboma & Bovi – Innovation vol. 6
Innovation 1982

Nyboma & Bovi, voorkant

In de Innovation serie hebben we hier volume zes. Het is niet
duidelijk wie de muzikanten zijn in Groupe Innovation die de
twee zangers begeleiden. Hoe dan ook, een prachtige plaat
die we niet graag missen in onze collectie Congolees snoep-
goed. Pak hem en luister zelf..

In the Innovation series we’ve got volume six today. It is not
clear who were the musicians that perform in Groupe Innovation
which back the two singers. One way or the other, another great
record to add to our collection of Congolese sweets, listen..

titels ;

01 – Je suis pour toi lilly
02 – Tala affaire
03 – Limba yoka
04 – Kaka boye


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  1. Jordi 15 August 2016 at 23:16 - Reply

    This one is really amazing. I had been missing the third song, so thanks a lot.

  2. glinka21 16 August 2016 at 05:32 - Reply

    Thanks, Moos!

  3. Anonymous 16 August 2016 at 09:38 - Reply

    Dally Kimoko plays the guitar

  4. Harris Diavua Salakiaku 16 August 2016 at 11:02 - Reply

    Bovi Mukoko involved in many songs by Nyboma then in 1989 he joined Empire Bakuba and he released his first song Retroviseur on the Divise Par Deux LP in 1992 then from 1993-1996 he was not seen with Empire Bakuba during European and American tours until Pépé Kallé returned to Congo in 1996 he rejoined and was featured on the album Full Option and Pepe Kalle last album Cocktail.

  5. Anonymous 16 August 2016 at 19:47 - Reply

    Marlhos plays rythm guitar !!!!

  6. ralf2152 16 August 2016 at 23:19 - Reply

    All LPs in this Series “Innovation” are very good

  7. DJ Daudi 25 August 2016 at 20:16 - Reply

    You can find all the album covers here. The links are gone, though.

  8. Rik 6 September 2016 at 18:53 - Reply

    Yes yes yes!

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