September 27, 2016

Suara Parahiangan Group – Degung Sabilulungan
Asiri 1990

Degung Sabilulungan, voorkant

Op verzoek van onze oude blogvriend Arnaud, vandaag
wat mellow Indonesische tunes. Dit spul hoor je echt
overal op Bali, het zal iedereen die er geweest is direkt
terugvoeren naar zijn of haar herrinneringen aldaar.

On special request of our old blogfriend Arnaud, today
some mellow Indonesian tunes. This is the stuff you hear
everywhere on Bali, it will take anybody who’s been there
back to their finest memories of the island, enjoy..

01 – Sabilulungan
02 – Karedok leunca
03 – Colenak
04 – Dikantun tugas
05 – Ayun ambing
06 – Ngantosan
07 – Karatagan pahlawan
08 – Bandung
09 – Karatagan pemuda indonesia
10 – Mojang desa


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  1. Lucky 27 September 2016 at 10:29 - Reply

    I call it Balinese Muzak, it’s the equivalent of New Age music, and to be true, it’s the opposite of mindblowing Gamelan music I heard live in Bali and Java. I heard this exact album back in 1999 and it’s still played – horrible stuff, imho! :)

  2. Arnaud 27 September 2016 at 11:07 - Reply

    I’m very honored my request was answered so fast, thanks a lot; unfortunately if have already this lovely album and can’t find another one such pleasant. Glad we have the same taste, hope it will please other friends of your blog and you know one of my old request is that you come visit us again…

  3. Moos 28 September 2016 at 09:34 - Reply

    ha ha ha, as you can see Arnaud, not everybody feels the same about it..
    I used to hear it a lot on my Balinese trips and it brings back nice memories,
    appearantly Lucky feels quite different .. I guess he’s right that there is much more authentic stuff going ’round. I’ll give it another try since you already have it..
    hang on..

  4. Arnaud 28 September 2016 at 12:33 - Reply

    Okay, to be authentic, I use this music to give oil massage to my wife and it’s perfect. I’m more concern on those moments by what’s in front of my eyes and under my fingers than between my ears. Oh man, tantric sex is the best drug ever !!!!

  5. Moos 28 September 2016 at 21:06 - Reply

    ..that is so creepy..

    • Sylvester from Manchester 30 September 2016 at 23:32 - Reply

      Too much information.

  6. Jakartass 29 September 2016 at 23:41 - Reply

    “This is the stuff you hear everywhere on Bali.”
    Actually you won’t.
    As it says on the cover, it’s Sundanese.
    Sunda is the region around Bandung in West Java,, to the east of Jakarta.
    The music is ‘gamelan degung’.
    Traditional instruments, as featured on this album, include the suling (bamboo flute), the gambang (wooden xylophone) and a set of kendang consisting of one large and two small double-sided drums.

    • Moos 30 September 2016 at 06:57 - Reply

      I am very sorry Mr. Jakartass, I’ve been on Bali 11 times and I can assure you this particular album is very very popular there and is played all over the Island.
      Off course the music is from Java but as you may know, Bali is loaded with people from Java, being the island with the most opportunity for them to earn a buck.
      So no, the music isn’t from Bali but is still the stuff you hear everywhere on Bali ! Thank you so much for explaining though..

      • Arnaud 30 September 2016 at 20:14 - Reply

        11 times to Bali ! Lucky guy… So I guess you brought back more than one record ? ;)

        • Sylvester from Manchester 1 October 2016 at 00:35 - Reply


      • Lucky 7 October 2016 at 23:34 - Reply

        I agree with Moos – I first heard this in Java in 1999, and again in Bali in 2014 (I only been there 2 times, not 11; the first time almost a year, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi…).

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