November 27, 2016

Roberto Silva
com acompanhamento de Caçulinha
seu Regional e Leonel do Trombone
Receita de Samba, Copacabana 1969


Noem me een oude man, ik vind dit een heerlijke sound.
Roberto Silva begon zijn carriere bij de radio in zijn geboorte
stad, Rio de Janeiro. Eerste opnames stammen uit de jaren 40.
Grote voorbeelden waren Cyro Monteiro en Orlando Silva. Hij
heeft zo’n 350 platen opgenomen op 78 toeren en een 20-tal
elpees op het Copacabana label waarvan dit de elfde is.
Roberto Silva overleed in 2012 op 92 jarige leeftijd..

Call me en old man, I think this sound is wonderful.
Roberto Silva started his career with the radio in his city
of birth, Rio de Janeiro. His first recordings were made in
the years 1940. He found big examples in Cyro Monteiro and
Orlando Silva. He made some 350 records on 78 rotations
and 20 albums on the Copacabana label of which this is no.
eleven. Roberto Silva died in 2012, age 92 years..

titels ;

01 – Debaixo da vela
02 – Outras mulheres
03 – Fim de reinado
04 – Mundo mal divido
05 – O sol em meu jardim
06 – Meu pranto ninguém vê
07 – A maior maria
08 – Lindaura
09 – Dois corações
10 – Não persista
11 – Na virada da montanha
12 – Bonde de são januario


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  1. Anonymous 29 November 2016 at 22:18 - Reply

    Hi Moos, so you are an old man but one with an exquisite taste for music. To my opinion 90% or even more of your posts are worth listening to. Problem is where to find the time to enjoy all of them. Thanks for this one, even the cover breathes soul. Please continue, I am trying to collect as much as possible. And if I wont be able to listen to all of them maybe my kids will. Rik

  2. Sam 12 April 2017 at 22:28 - Reply

    Que bom, finalmente muito samba! Roberto Silva is a wonderful singer — very smooth and melodic (“samba cancao”), but with a wonderful swing. He has a great repertoire — sings samba do moro and samba gafieiera with equal ease.

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