January 15, 2017

le Prince Youlou Mabiala et Judith Maïsso
la Voix Feminine du Moment
accompagnements de Kamikaze “Loningisa”
Norbert Miab 1987



Goeiemorgen, vandaag hebben we een wat minder bekende plaat,
Youlou Mabiala, Franco’s schoonzoon, met de zangeres Judith Maïsso
en zijn band Kamikaze Loningisa op het label van Norbert Miab. Franco
gaf Gilbert Youlou Mabiala de naam ‘le Prince’ toen Youlou met
zijn dochter Helene Luambo, ook wel Mama Leni, trouwde. lees
meer over hem in deze biografie .

Goodmorning, today we’ve got an lesser known album by le Prince
Youlou Mabiala, Franco’s son in law, with singer Judith Maïsso and
his group Kamikaze Loningisa on Norbert Miab’s label. It was franco
who crowned Gilbert Youlou Mabiala, ‘le Prince’ in the time he
married Franco’s daughter Helene Luambo, also known as Mama
Leni. Read more about him in this biography .

titels ;

01 – Choulé
02 – Alla
03 – Maïsso
04 – Karibou


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  1. Mouhamadou 15 January 2017 at 10:37 - Reply

    The more I visit your oage, the more I learn about Franco and the more I love his music and all the guys related to him musically speaking. Time to grab this one too.

    • Moos 15 January 2017 at 10:51 - Reply

      we keep learning all the time, and I am no exeption..found this one short time ago..

  2. Anonymous 15 January 2017 at 20:50 - Reply

    Thanks much.


  3. glinka21 16 January 2017 at 10:28 - Reply

    Thank you, Moos. Do you have any idea how well Youlou recovered from his stroke? Or is he, like Rochereau, still suffering from the after-effects?

    • Moos 16 January 2017 at 14:32 - Reply

      I have no idea Glinka, we;ll have to go searching for answers online I guess..
      till next time..


      • Dr.Frank 21 January 2017 at 02:53 - Reply

        Here you can see Youlou Mabiala as the guest of honour at a “Congolese music night” in France in 2015.

  4. Alex 18 January 2017 at 15:30 - Reply

    Thanks Moos, always love hearing female Congolese vocalists.


  5. DJ Daudi 18 February 2017 at 07:10 - Reply

    Very nice record that I have not heard before. Thanks, Moos. I will share a song or two on Ambiance Congo!

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