May 7, 2017

A Música de Donga – Donga & Various Artists
Discos Marcus Pereira 1974


It must have been back in the days, when Zecalouro was
still making his Loronix, the site that taught me so much
about Brazillian music, that I got aquainted with the music
of Donga. Various type of Samba and Choro which touched
my soul from the very beginning. I was extremely happy to
find this here album at the fair recently,
hope you feel the same.

Donga passed away when this album was still in production in
1974. The final track covers his declaration taken from the
Museum of Image & Sound in Rio de Janeiro.

Zecalouro van de Loronix site was de man die me bekend maakte
met de muziek van deze componist. Vanaf de eerste keer dat ik die
hoorde was ik erdoor geraakt. Donga’s diversiteit in Samba en Choro
is buitengewoon . Op deze elpee, zo blij dat ik hem vond op de laatste
platenbeurs, wordt hij vergezeld door een keur aan Braziliaanse
artiesten. Het zou mooi zijn als joe er ook zo blij van
zouden worden, probeer het eens.

Donga overleed terwijl dit album nog in productie was in 1974.
De laatste track beslaat slechts gesproken woord en komt
uit het Museum voor Beeld en Geluid in Rio de Janeiro.

tracks ;

01 – Amigo do povo
02 – Canção das infelizes
03 – Benedito no choro
04 – Patrão prenda seu gado
05 – Vertigem
06 – Seu mané luiz
07 – Cinco de julho
08 – Ranchinho desfeito
09 – Ligia, teus olhos dizem tudo
10 – Pelo telefone
11 – Quando uma estrela sorri
12 – Depoimento de donga


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  1. Sam 9 May 2017 at 05:00 - Reply

    Obrigado de novo, Moos. I have the CD, but your post gave me a good excuse to listen again. 5 de Julho is wonderful — a beautiful, serene choro. Do you have information on instrumentation and musicians?
    Abs, Sam

  2. Sam 9 May 2017 at 05:09 - Reply

    Moos, I found the information on the Donga album. Look on Discos do Brasil (a great site) Abel Ferreira is the clarinetist.

  3. Jan Duinkerken 9 May 2017 at 17:03 - Reply

    Hartelijk dank, prachtige muziek.

  4. Anonymous 9 May 2017 at 19:50 - Reply

    Nice !!!!

  5. Ian 14 May 2017 at 02:45 - Reply

    Thanks for being such a great source of awesome music. Cheers to you!!!

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