June 19, 2017

Henri Bowane – Double Take – Tala Kaka
Memories of a Master Musician
RetroAfric 1994


Henri Bowane was a crucial figure in the developement of Congo rumba
in Kinshasa ( then Leopoldville ) during the early 1950s. He was the first
professional boss and mentor of the legendary Franco, and was a big star
in his own right, releasing dozens of hit 78rpms. In 1960, Bowane became
founder/manager of Ry-Co Jazz, who introduced Congo rumba to countries
such as Sierra Leone, Senegal, Togo, Ghana and the French Antilles. By the
1970s he had settled in West Africa where he recorded this, his first and
only album. The rhythms range from rumba and cavacha through highlife
to calypso and soul/blues. Get it and spread it.. ( liner notes )

Henri Bowane was een beslissende factor in de ontwikkeling van Congo rumba
in Kinshasa ( toen Leopoldville ) tijdens de vroege jaren 50. Hij was de eerste
professionele baas en mentor van de legendarische Franco, en was een grote
zelfstandige ster, die tientallen 78 toeren hits uitbracht. In 1960, richtte hij
Ry-Co Jazz op van wie hij tevens manager was en introduceerde zo de Congo
rumba in landen als Sierra Leone, Senegal, Togo, Ghana en de Franse Antillen.
Rond 1970 reeds had hij zich gevestigd in West Africa waar hij dit, zijn eerste
en enige album uitbracht. De ritmes variëren van rumba en cavacha tot highlife,
calypso en soul/blues. Luister en geef door.. ( info van cd hoes )

tracks ;

01 – Sam ba no
02 – Cherie natou
03 – Natali nato
04 – Fou-nou-la-paix
05 – Monoko ya mboka
06 – Marie louise
07 – Wabun’kum blues


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  1. Frits 19 June 2017 at 13:55 - Reply

    Ben net terug uit Spanje na 5 weken log ik in. En dan dit . Ik word hier helemaal gelukkig van. Bedankt

  2. MrHappyMushroom 21 June 2017 at 14:03 - Reply

    I just bought this one, a CD reissue.

    BTW, I just left Kinshasa after two years of living there. Before I left, I paid a visit to lay flowers on Pepe Kalle’s grave and also found the resting spots of a few others–Franco, Les Freres Soki, Madilu, Wendo, Abeti, Bavon Marie Marie. Can send you a link with photos if you like.


    • Moos 21 June 2017 at 18:43 - Reply

      Thanks Mr. Happy Mushroom, yes please do..

  3. glinka21 27 June 2017 at 03:34 - Reply

    Thanks again, Moos!

  4. tom 5 August 2017 at 17:41 - Reply

    Unbelievably, your unfaltering pace continues. I am personally nominating you for the Nobel Peace Prize. Thanks again, friend.

    • Moos 6 August 2017 at 07:44 - Reply

      haha, now don’t exaggerate Tom, but do tell your friends..
      and stay tuned..

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