July 25, 2017

Super Rail Band
Buffet Hôtel de la Gare de Bamako volume 2
Rail Culture Authentique Mali 1983


It is almost nine years ago, time sure flies don’t you think ?
The GG existed only five months when I posted the Rail Band
in october 2008. It was an album on Globe Style from 1982 and
contained two of the songs we also find on today’s record. I think
this one was used to make the Globe Style album, it had the same
pictures as well, even when the original volumes one & two were
released in 1983. Anyway, two of the songs on this one are new
to us, listen and enjoy, I think they are just awesome..
P.S. the sound is extremely good,
part from one tic in track four.

Zo’n negen jaar is het alweer geleden, de GG bestond net vijf
maanden toen ik de Rail Band plaatste. Het was een album op
Globe Style uit 1982. De plaat bevatte twee nummers die ook
op dit album staan. Ik denk dat deze aan de andere ten oorsprong
heeft gelegen, ook al kwamen de originele volumes 1 & 2 pas uit in
1983. er staan tevens de zelfde fotootjes op. In ieder geval vinden
we vandaag twee nummers die we nog niet hadden, luister zelf,
ze zijn niet te versmaden naar mijn bescheiden mening..
P.S. het geluid is buitengewoon goed, los
van één plek in het vierde nummer.

tracks ;

01 – Diabate
02 – Mali yo
03 – Bedianamogo
04 – Gna gna


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  1. Charlie 25 July 2017 at 19:48 - Reply

    Thank you so much!

  2. J 25 July 2017 at 22:22 - Reply

    Have you heard of Paapa Yankson’s death?

    • Moos 25 July 2017 at 23:52 - Reply

      ..another star left us..let’s play his music to honour him..

      • J 26 July 2017 at 18:50 - Reply

        Yea man

  3. Tim Harrison 26 July 2017 at 09:52 - Reply

    Thank you once again, Moos. Rail Band are one of my all-time favourites. I played it loud today in celebration of the life and work of Paapa Yankson.

  4. Jordi 26 July 2017 at 21:35 - Reply

    Thank you, this is, as usual, amazing!

  5. Anonymous 27 July 2017 at 18:54 - Reply

    thank you! I used to have many of their records but have lost pretty much my entire collection over the years. really appreciate the posting. thank you

  6. glinka21 29 July 2017 at 07:18 - Reply

    Great stuff, Moos. Many thanks.

  7. […] (Dutch) Wikipedia (English) Discogs, Salif keita Discogs, Les Ambassadeurs Music of Mali, Wikipedia Super Rail Band vol. 2 1983 Melodias Rail Band 1976 Super Rail Band du Buffet Hotel de la Gare de Bamako 1977 Ouedrgaogo […]

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