December 16, 2017

Seven 7″ from Kenya vol. 3
Various Artists



Africa as continent brought forth many fabulous styles of
music and benga from Kenya is one that keeps fascinating.
Many of our visitors here at the GG agree with me and so
making the next singles comp was a logic step. Fortunately
we keep finding them at a regular basis, enjoy listening..

Van alle stijlen muziek die Afrika als continent rijk is, is benga
uit Kenya er één die wel erg tot de verbeelding spreekt. Elke
keer als ik er naar luister raak ik weer diep onder de indruk.
Ook veel van onze bezoekers hier bij de GG lopen er warm
voor. Gelukkig duiken er nog met regelmaat singletjes op
dus deze comp was er een die voor de hand lag, enjoy..

tracks ;

01 – Orchestre Victoria Revolution – Domnic kasera
02 – Orchestre Victoria Revolution – Sam kotago
03 – Gem Lucky Friends Band – Bethwel odinya
04 – Gem Lucky Friends Band – C. okello jaraye
05 – Peter Akuka & l’Orchestre Oguyo – Ango motimore
06 – Peter Akuka & l’Orchestre Oguyo – Consolatta
07 – Kawere ‘B’ Kings Band – Siprosa atieno
08 – Kawere ‘B’ Kings Band – James awino onyango
09 – Orchestra D.O.7 Shirati Jazz – Madongo biro ponte
10 – Orchestre Ugambe Jazz – Raphael kosamba
11 – Orchestra D.O.7 Shirati Jazz – Mzee jomo kenyatta
12 – Orchestre Ugambe Jazz – Akello rossy
13 – Orchestre O.M. Jazz – Herana olal nikech pesa
14 – Orchestre O.M. Jazz – Paro yawut gonda


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  1. glinka21 17 December 2017 at 05:13 - Reply

    Thanks, Moos. In case I didn’t mention it before, ran into one of the Luo working in a Kenyan restaurant about two hours south of me a year ago. We got to discussing benga, and I played some I’d downloaded from you on my cell. He was thrilled; it was the kind of stuff his father had played on the radio and on records when they were first working together in the fields. I copied a bunch of things for him, and made sure to mention your site.

    Sad when a person for whom this music was made can’t hear it. Great when someone, somewhere else makes it available to them for free, just as it should be.

    • Moos 17 December 2017 at 09:00 - Reply

      How nice Glinka, this is the kind of story we always hope to hear,
      I’m very happy to be able to bring it. Thanks for telling me..

  2. DiJiT 18 December 2017 at 16:34 - Reply

    This is really lovely, Moos! Thanks!

  3. peacenik 11 January 2018 at 03:05 - Reply

    Love your 7″ comps, thanks for these Kenyan treasures!

  4. Ngoni Chivizhe 23 April 2018 at 13:22 - Reply

    Honourable Moos and all goovers, can anyoe, maybe those in Kenya tell us more about band leader Richard Odong Guya, who features on Gem Lucky Friends band, Gem Dudi Sky Band, Gem Luck band? His hits on Gem Dudi Sky band, ad Gem luck friends are all really mesmerising, having played and danced to them since 1970s during Zimbabwe’s war of liberation in bush camps. Can anyone give us Richard’s music history. I am a die hard Benga fan for life, Kenya Benga of the 1970s

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