January 10, 2018

Daniel Owino and the DO-7 Shirati Jazz Band
Sheroline, RCA Victor 1977



if you turn on your TV and something passes by about Kenya,
it is mostly nature or culture related. Animals Play the most
important role in general. lions, giraffes, elephants, hyenas,
wildebeests, antilopes and such, at its most we see the Masai
people passing by. Concerning the wonderful music the country
produced we never hear a word. Reason enough to give it some
more attention. No huge stories here but mainly the music
itself. Let your ears tell you the story, for example Daniel Owino
Misiani’s and his DO-7 Shirati Jazz Band’s. The tracks are all
melted together and I didn’t have the courage to separate them.
You’ll have to listen to them as two long tracks,
side 1 and side 2.

Als je de TV aanzet en er is iets over Kenya is het meestal
een natuur of cultuur aangelegenheid die langskomt. Dieren
spelen daarin over het algemeen de hoofdrol. Leeuwen,
giraffen, olifanten, hyena’s, Gnoe’s, Antilopen en dergelijke,
hooguit zien we eens iets over de Masai passeren. Over de
prachtige muziek die het land heeft voortgebracht horen we
maar bitter weinig. Reden te meer om hier wat aandacht aan
te besteden. Geen diepgravende beschouwingen maar de
muziek zelf. Laat je oren je het verhaal vertellen. Bijvoorbeeld
dat van Daniel Owino Misiani en de DO-7 Shirati Jazz Band.
De nummers zitten zo strak op elkaar gemonteerd dat ik het
niet aandurfte ze te scheiden. Je zult de plaat in twee lange
aaneengesloten delen moeten beluisteren. Kant 1 en kant 2.

tracks ;

01 – Sheroline
—–Ilich gi thum
—–Jotham owino
—–Ayie kod nyiri
—–Shem okeyo
—–Safari ya south nyanza
02 – Jaa part 1
—–Jaa part 2
—–Ben onyango
—–Oyiengo wuon apome part 1
—– Oyiengo wuon apome part 2


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  1. Everlyne 11 January 2018 at 07:06 - Reply

    Thanks for another great Kenyan album. I love your blog, but I wish you would add much more of Kenya`s great music. Also, I would highly appreciate if you also could add individual 45 rpm`s on here including the artwork (not compiled as sampler). Thanks, all the best from Kenya. Everlyne

    • Moos 11 January 2018 at 07:56 - Reply

      Kenyan albums are not the easiest records to find in these parts but we try finding them all the time. Secondly, the way I make the Mp3’s is by using special audio discs, recording singles one by one would be highly expensive so I choose to do them seven pieces at one disc. This is why you find them as compilations. Thereby unfortunately the most of them singles do not have any artwork, just papersleeves without information what so ever. Thanks for asking anyway, cheers Everlyne..

  2. Ngoni Chivizhe 11 January 2018 at 16:24 - Reply

    Moose, last night I prayed that God gives you some of my life days to add on to yours. Because you just make me experience heaven because of the Kenya Benga music of the 1970s. I am from Zimbabwe and we got baptised into this music during our ar of independence. Please work on more benga beats by Gem Lucky (Friends) band singles or Albums, (led by Richard Odogo Manila Guya) some of which were pressed in Nigeria, South Africa or Mozambique under Sungura label, e.g. Daniel Wandago,(7 single), Silly Jaber – Dudi Gem Sky album, and others. Also Simba Yoro, album for ORCHESTRE D.O. 7 SHIRATI JAZZ. Moose, you are great. I am your number one fan.

  3. glinka21 12 January 2018 at 03:57 - Reply

    Moos, once more: thanks!

  4. Anonymous 15 January 2018 at 11:35 - Reply

    Another Gem! Thank you so much Moos!

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