February 8, 2018

l’Orchestre Congolais Les Bantous
Vogue 1975


Een beetje twist, Congolese rumba, guapacha en cha cha,
de jongens van Les Bantous waren er allemaal in thuis. Met
de grote Jean Essous, Nino malapet en Papa Noël. Heerlijk
stukje 1975 gerealiseerd door Gilles Sala, genieten dus..

Some twist, some Congolese rumba, guapacha and cha cha,
the boys from Les Bantous knew what they were doing. With
the great Jean Essous, Nino Malapet and Papa Noël. Sweet
piece of 1975 realised by Gilles Sala, enjoy listening..

tracks ;

01 – Ritmo bantou
02 – Opesi n’gai soni
03 – Occasion lokola yo
04 – Souvenirs de paris
05 – Ba m’boka ya lokumu
06 – Muana moyoko
07 – Paris-brazza
08 – Ma guigui


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  1. DJ Daudi 9 February 2018 at 21:20 - Reply

    Such a great record!

  2. GonzalezonSpeed 11 February 2018 at 03:45 - Reply

    dit zijn weer hele fijne, sfeervolle deuntjes .. bedankt Moos !

  3. glinka21 11 February 2018 at 03:46 - Reply

    No argument, there. Thanks, Moos.

  4. Thomas 20 March 2018 at 19:08 - Reply

    Hello Mo!
    I wasn’t here for months and now I am gathering what I missed. Unfortunately this record can’t be downloaded, would be great if you’ld help.
    Thanks in advance, Thomas

    • Moos 20 March 2018 at 22:09 - Reply

      ..not a single problem here, try again..

  5. Thomas 21 March 2018 at 18:31 - Reply

    Hello Moos!
    Have tried today and succeeded- Thanks a lot, Thomas

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