March 22, 2018

the Best of Lokassa ya M’Bongo
Flash Productions 1983


One of Congos best guitarists of all time is Lokassa ya M’bongo.
This is his Best of.. album from 1983. Asi Kapela does vocals
like on other albums, Ringo Moya on drums..enjoy.
btw, Lokassa called this album ‘M’ , all titles start with M..

Een van Congo’s beste gitaristen is zonder twijfel Lokassa ya
M’Bongo. Vandaag hebben we zijn ‘Best of..’ album. Asi Kapela
doet de vokalen, Ringo Moya op drums..veel luisterplezier.
nota bene, Lokassa noemt dit album ‘M’ alle titels beginnen
met een M..

tracks ;

01 – Massaba
02 – Marcelline
03 – Maima
04 – M’Banda ya secours


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  1. Harris Diavua Salakiaku 22 March 2018 at 17:37 - Reply

    Hey moos do you have this album by drummer Ringo Moya?:

    • Moos 22 March 2018 at 22:21 - Reply

      I will check for you later Harris..

      • Harris Diavua Salakiaku 29 March 2018 at 11:46 - Reply

        No problem thank you.

  2. nick beddow 23 March 2018 at 00:49 - Reply

    thanks Moos!!

  3. anon 24 March 2018 at 05:58 - Reply

    When I was first getting into Congolese music, I saw Lokassa ya M’Bongo’s name pop up alot, but he didn’t really stand out because he’s generally a rhythm guitarist. But after a while you realise why he’s so prolific – everything he plays in feels really carefully put together and just flows well.

    Just to do a bit of an outline of his history – he was in Tabu Ley’s Afrisa International for basically a decade from the late 60s, spent a couple of years with the Ivory Coast based African All Stars (Sam Mangwana), then to Paris where he had a few of his own albums (like this), supported some others (I particularly love his work with Nyboma and Pepe Kalle), and then later in the 80s founded the Soukous Stars.

    Thanks for the post!

    • niyi 26 March 2018 at 16:31 - Reply

      Thanks Anon.

  4. Tim 25 March 2018 at 21:46 - Reply

    Thank you for continuing my Congolese music education, Moos. Much appreciated, as usual.

  5. Mouhamadou 27 March 2018 at 21:01 - Reply

    Hey Moos. Thanks for this amazing LP by Lokassa. I truly enjoyed it especially Masseba with Ask Kapela on lead. I would like to ask you if you have by any chance L’Amour et La Danse by Pamelo Mounk’a and Les Bantous. I believe it was one of his last albums before he left the band for good in 1988 due to his illness.

    • Moos 28 March 2018 at 11:20 - Reply

      I’ll have to get back on that later Mouhamadou, not so sure..

  6. thank you 30 March 2018 at 00:52 - Reply

    thank you!

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