April 14, 2018

le Prince Youlou Mabiala et l’Orchestre Kamikaze
Loningisa – M’Bata, Prod. Publi-Congo PS 001


Of some artists we just want to find every album ever available.
le Prince Youlou Mabiala, Franco’s son in law, is such an artist.
Reason the more to be very happy to have found yet another
of his records. The web does not give me a year of release on
this one, if you know, please let us know too. Untill then,
enjoy listening and pass on as usual..

Van sommige artiesten willen we gewoon elk album ooit uitgebracht
zien te vinden. le Prince Youlou Mabiala, Franco’s schoonzoon, is zo’n
artiest. Reden te meer om verheugd te zijn dat we er weer eentje
gevonden hebben. Het web geeft me helaas geen antwoord op de vraag
uit welk jaar deze stamt. Als jij het weet, vertel je het ons dan s.v.p. ook ?
Tot die tijd zeg ik, draai en beluister hem en geef weer door..

tracks ;

01 – M’bata
02 – Vivi
03 – Niati-mabiala
04 – Tazos


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  1. shagasha 14 April 2018 at 17:29 - Reply

    thanks for this gem from the prince

  2. David 14 April 2018 at 19:58 - Reply

    Totally agree. Got 16 of his LPs stashed away on the hard drive here, probably a good few courtesy of your good self. Thank you for no 17

  3. Harris Diavua Salakiaku 15 April 2018 at 10:40 - Reply

    This album was released in 1983 it has a great touch of Ok Jazz.

  4. Sun Ira 17 April 2018 at 17:16 - Reply

    Moos, Haven’t ever heard a bad album from PYM, and this one doesn’t disappoint. Thanks!

  5. […] Utataaaya!!! 1985 M’Bata Judoka 1983 Karibu 1983 with Judith Maïsso 1987 Etabe Mofude 1983 Couper-Soucis 1984 […]

  6. […] Utataaaya!!! 1985 M’Bata Judoka 1983 Karibu 1983 with Judith Maïsso 1987 Etabe Mofude 1983 Couper-Soucis 1984 […]

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