April 25, 2018

Showman, La Métamorphose de
Pamelo Mounk’a et les Redoutables
Africa New Sound 1985


In a reaction on the previous post, Mouhamadou asked
me if I have this LP with Les Redoutables and Pamelo
Mounk’a. It is supposedly the last album that Docteur
Nico did before his passing. I find no mentioning him
on the sleeve of the LP.. Anyone to shine a light on this
matter .. ?

In een reactie op de vorige post vroeg Mouhamadou me
of ik deze plaat met Les Redoutables en Pamelo Mounk’a
toevallig had. Het zou de laatste plaat moeten zijn waarop
Docteur Nico speelde voordat hij overleed. Ik vond op de
hoes niets wat erop wijst dat hij meespeelt. iemand die
hier iets over zeggen kan.. ?

tracks ;

01 – C’est la vie a l’envers
02 – Oona
03 – Adeyi la chérie noire
04 – N’samu na inki


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  1. DJ Daudi 25 April 2018 at 23:03 - Reply

    I bought both of those records on the same day back when they were brand new in 1985. I don’t think that Docteur Nico played guitar on this album. I cannot think of any recording that they made together. It would seem that the producer, Akueson, would have made a note if Nico participated.

    • Mouhamadou Falilou Ndiaye 26 April 2018 at 22:58 - Reply

      He wasn’t in this LP. From what I know, it was Abet’s band Les Redoutables that backed him up. After some research, I found out that the label used to exist in Togo and had a studio that many considered back then a high-tech studio.

  2. Mouhamadou 25 April 2018 at 23:05 - Reply

    Thanks a lot for fulfilling my request at such a fast pace. I truly appreciate it. I see that you have been posting few LPs from Les Redoutables throughout all the years I have been following you on GG, but never saw LPs from the lates Abeti and M’Pongo Love (I swear if it weren’t for Syllart I would have requested Partager that Bopol produced in 1986 I believe). I hope that I will see some of her classic albums like Je Suis Fachee in the future. Once again, thank you.

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