April 10, 2018

Zaïko Langa-Langa – Kay-Kay
La Voix d’Afrique / Rythmes et Musique 1982


What can I say, this is about number 21 we have by this
great band, Listen, enjoy and pass it on to your friends..

Wat moet ik nog zeggen, zo ongeveer de 21ste die we van
deze top groep hebben. Luister, huiver en geef weer door..

tracks ;

01 – Kay-kay
02 – Hommage deve
03 – Moseka bambuza
04 – Kibola bola


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  1. anon 10 April 2018 at 14:29 - Reply

    Hey do you know this is 1982? It seems 85 from this

    Great one in any case. Thanks for the upload as always

    • Moos 10 April 2018 at 17:31 - Reply

      I am not at home right now but I think I must have found it somewhere at the LP or its sleeve..

      • Harris Diavua Salakiaku 11 April 2018 at 15:39 - Reply

        I just wanted to point out that the second track is a tribute dedicated to the founder of Zaiko DV Moanda who passed away in 1984.

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