June 1, 2018

Pépé Kallé et Carlito chantent Simaro Massiya
Meilleur Compositor – Année* 84, Verre Cassé
Alia Music 1984



Drie van de mooiste stemmen zingen nummers van een van
de grootste componisten uit Zaïre. Dit is zo prachtig, ik ben er
ondersteboven van. De fluwelen stem van Carlito, de warmte
van Pépé Kallé en de krachtige vibrato van Madilu tezamen.
..En dan de muziek van Simaro-Massiya, het is maar een kort
plaatje, 45 toeren op 12 inch, maar heel mooi.
Maya hadden we all eens maar Verre
Cassé nog niet..

Three of the most magnificent voices sing songs of one of the
greatest composers from Zaïre. This is so wonderful, I am blown
away by it. The velvet voice of Carlito, the warmth of Pépé Kallé
and the powerful vibrato of Madilu together. ..And then the music
of Simaro-Massiya, it is a short record, a 45 on 12 inch but
very nice. We already had Maya but Verre
Cassé not yet..

tracks ;

01 – Verre cassé, Nasala nini ?
02 – Maya 2e version, Namekaki bango


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  1. Harris Diavua Salakiaku 1 June 2018 at 11:39 - Reply

    Where is Nasala Nini? and Nemakaki Bango.

    • Moos 1 June 2018 at 11:48 - Reply

      side-a verre cassé and Nasala nini
      side-b Maya 2e version and Namekaki bango
      ..that is what the backsleeve tells us, it is a 12″ record on 45 with one track per side.
      I have no idea, to be honest I thought there were two tracks in one per side.
      You can look at the sleeve pick yourself..

      • Harris Diavua Salakiaku 1 June 2018 at 12:21 - Reply

        I listened to the songs it’s a different version I’m guessing that both tracks were missing I wanted to hear Madilu and Pepe Kalle singing but one day those tracks will be found.

  2. Harris Diavua Salakiaku 1 June 2018 at 11:49 - Reply

    I really love the saxophones by Empompo Loway he is playing the instrument in a tearful way.

  3. glinka21 3 June 2018 at 05:53 - Reply

    Thanks, Moos!

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