July 13, 2018

Edition Flambeau presents
Orchestre Carte Blanche du Zaïre
Sakade Umba, Edition Flambeau 1985


Wederom is hier een elpee van een band waar we nog nooit
eerder van hebben gehoord. Zowel op het web als in de Rough
Guide is er niets over te vinden. Nummers geschreven door
Lamyne Deba en Mengue. Op Edition Flambeau is dit de enige
plaat die verschijnt bij Google. Hij heeft een paar tikjes
maar verder klinkt hij redelijk. Uit 1985,
luister en kijk wat je er van vind..

Once more this is an album by a group never heard of before.
Neither the web nor Rough Guide gives us any information on the
subject. Songs written by Lamyne Deba and mengue. On Edition
Flambeau, this is the only record that appears on Google. Sound
condition is fair, few small ticks though. From 1985,
listen and make up your own mind..

tracks ;

01 – Miky
02 – Muana-kindou
03 – Umba
04 – Home d’afaire


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  1. nick beddow 14 July 2018 at 06:24 - Reply

    One song mentions Safro Manzangi (Victoria Eleison) and Kawele (Les Mangelepas) – if they are in it could it be another of those one-off nzing-nzong recordings where a few musicians play away from home and then find it didn’t take off? I love the record though (do you want a cleaner copy?)

    • Moos 14 July 2018 at 06:59 - Reply

      ..that would be awesome Nick, much obliged..

  2. nick beddow 14 July 2018 at 09:07 - Reply

    hi Moos, sending it now via We Transfer to as wav files

  3. David 16 September 2018 at 12:33 - Reply

    Just wondered whether Nick had said whether it was alright to share the better copy of this record he sent you & whether you would? It is pretty knacked & unfortunately the worst damage is on my own favourite here trk 2.
    As usual an awesome find.

    • Moos 16 September 2018 at 16:53 - Reply

      I’ll see what I can do..

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