July 4, 2018

Les Grands Succes de l’Orchestre Continental
Muzikana, Muzinter 01


Another rare slice of Congolese brought back from Africa by my
friend Aidan is this one. Orchestre Continental with Josky Kiambukuta
and Tino Muinkua appears on this album from I don’t know what year.
On a label that says ‘Muzikana’. Get it and spread it..

Nog zo’n zeldzaam plaatje Congolese muziek, meegebracht uit Africa
door mijn vriend Aidan is deze. Orchestre Continental met Josky
Kiambukuta en Tino Muinkua veschijnt op dit album uit ik weet
niet welk jaar. Op een label dat ‘Muzikana’ heet.
Haal binnen, luister en geef weer door..

tracks ;

01 – Jean-serge
02 – Mokili
03 – Zala-mayele
04 – Nzambe a lalakate
05 – Bea omikebisa
06 – Mwana-samba


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  1. OMER G PASI 4 July 2018 at 08:32 - Reply

    This is great Moos. Do you have more on Orchestre Continental? I am trying to get a complete collection of their great work..

  2. nick beddow 4 July 2018 at 16:07 - Reply

    Great LP! Thanks Moos

  3. glinka21 5 July 2018 at 17:26 - Reply

    Thanks, Moos!

  4. Sun Ira 6 July 2018 at 17:13 - Reply

    This is really nice. Thank you, Moos!

  5. LeFranck 6 July 2018 at 22:19 - Reply

    Thank you for this rare LP. Josky was such a good singer. I never get tired of him.
    I did some searching for this LP but found no info besides of the one you have shared. It looks like the LP is printed around 1975 but have no proof of it.
    I found a Muzinter 02 though. See link:

    • Anonymous 8 July 2018 at 15:30 - Reply

      I need to make a correction on this album:
      Title for song 04 Nzambe a lalakate is Bakokamua
      Title for song 06 Mwana-Samba is Mayi Baboya.

      • niyi 9 July 2018 at 16:44 - Reply

        some of the songs have been released in CD and digital format if you don’t mind those formats. Nakobondela released as Nakobondela Bolingo, Ya Vero and Mama Na Nicole for sure. Such a great short-lived band.
        i think the band recorded some other singles as Orch. Mamumar after Josky left to join OK Jazz

  6. David 8 July 2018 at 15:36 - Reply

    04 Nzambe a lalakate is not the correct title for this song: this song title is “Bakokamua”
    06 Mwana-Samba, the correct song title is “Mayi Baboya”

  7. David S 30 April 2019 at 02:51 - Reply

    I think the great Bopol also plays on this, and it is a 1975 compilation of singles from c 1972. THANK YOU MOOS!

  8. David S 30 April 2019 at 02:54 - Reply

    Just downloaded and looked at the cover – Wuta Mayi, also!

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