July 7, 2018

Orchestre Tele Music – Embouteillage No.1
Minou International TM 001


They were here at two earlier occasions in 2010 and 2012.
DJ Daudi was the only one who knew them then. The one
posted in 2012 was also called ‘Embouteillage’, this time
we have different titles however and ‘No 1’ was added to
the title. They were from Brazzaville and also have a fine
brass section, just joking..listen to another Congolese
beauty and share it with your friends..

We hadden ze hier reeds twee keer op bezoek, in 2010 en in
2012. DJ Daudi was zo’n beetje de enige die ze al kende toen.
degene in 2012 gepost heette ook ‘Embouteillage’, dit keer
echter zijn er ander nummers en is de toevoeging ‘No 1’ van
kracht. Ze kwamen uit Brazzaville en hebben een sterke
brass sectie, toevalligheidje..Luister naar nog zo’n
Congolese pracht plaat en deel hem met je vrienden..

tracks ;

01 – Kimbanda sida
02 – Bouillon
03 – Christiland
04 – Oumba de ma vie


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  1. nick beddow 7 July 2018 at 07:26 - Reply

    hi Moos, I was getting ready to give up on ever finding this LP anywhere and you’ve done it again :) Many many thanks!

  2. DJ Daudi 14 July 2018 at 07:07 - Reply

    Thanks, Moos. I have been seeking this FOREVER.

  3. glinka21 20 July 2018 at 16:32 - Reply

    I’ve been working from front to back, Moos, so please forgive my odd perspective if I thank you, here, for all the great, rarely heard African music you’ve put up lately!

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