August 5, 2018

Ifang Bondi – Saraba
Disques Griot 1976


Hij is uit 1976, dit juweeltje van Ifang Bondi en de Afro Mandingue
Sounds. Sfeervolle plaat, op het Disques Griot label, die ons mee
neemt op een dromerige reis door West Afrika. Oorspronkelijk
heette ze de Super Eagles en komen uit Gambia. In 1969 en 1974
hebben ze diverse Europese hoofdsteden bezocht. Deze plaat is
opgenomen in de Jandeer Night Club in Dakar, Senegal en bevat
songs in diverse stijlen, mandingo, pop, mbalax, zeg het maar..

It is from 1976, this jewell by Ifang Bondi and the Afro Mandingue
Sounds. Very atmospheric record, on the Disques Griot label, which
takes us on a dreamy journey through West Africa. Originally they
were called the Super Eagles and come from Gambia. In 1969 and
1974 they visited various European capitals. This album was recorded
in the Jandeer Night Club in Dakar, Senegal and contains songs in
various styles such as mandingo, pop, mbalax, you tell us..

What Discogs fails to tell us is that there is an error made on the
label and on the backsleeve. The numbers Xaleli Africa and Saraba
have been switched, so I kindly switched them back for you..

tracks ;

01 – Atis-a-tis
02 – Saraba
03 – Xaleli africa
04 – Yolele
05 – Xalel dey magg
06 – Sutukun
07 – Xam xam


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  1. Anonymous 6 August 2018 at 04:22 - Reply

    thank you for this recording. i really liked the Super Eagles and didn’t
    know this existed! Terrible album cover but good music….

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