September 9, 2018

Dindo Yogo – Après Leurs Tournées
de Tokyo-Paris-Kinshasa
Sacodisc 1987



Nog zo’n heerlijk stukje soukous met ‘la Voix Cassé’ van Dindo
Yogo. Uit 1987 en up up tempo dans materiaal. Bezoekers als
Harris en Tim, dit is er zo eentje voor jullie, meubels opzij
en laat je gaan. Veel dans plezier..

Another great piece of soukous with ‘la Voix Cassé’ of Dindo
Yogo. From 1987 and up up tempo dancing material. Visitors
like Harris and Tim, this is one for you guys, kick your furniture
aside and dance away, lots of fun doing so..

tracks ;

01 – Seben 1
02 – Souviens-toi
03 – Bibi
04 – Seben 2
05 – Y a pas de sots metiers
06 – Francy


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  1. Mouhamadou 9 September 2018 at 15:37 - Reply

    Looks like a very interesting LP honestly speaking.

  2. HA 9 September 2018 at 17:25 - Reply

    Thank you so much for all that you post Moos. Your blog has opened my mind and ears to a wonderful new world of music. Much respect and thanks again.

  3. Harris Diavua Salakiaku 10 September 2018 at 08:22 - Reply

    Thank you brother.

  4. Anonymous 11 September 2018 at 03:13 - Reply

    hi Moos,,
    This iis a record that I know “insideoutside’. I played it easily more then a thousand times. I learned to dance rumba on it in Goma, Kivu province in Congo. Every break of the sebene is glued in my head.. Y a pas de sots metiers is my life philosophy. Respect for everybody who works to make an honnest living and contributes to society no matter what his or her profession is. Musicians those days where considered lowl-lifes in Congo despite the fact that nearly everybody loves music. They drink and have too much girlfriends.. This is a reaction from Dindo against this prejudice. I play it still on every party we have here at home. People may agree or not but for me this is one of the best rumba records of the late eighties , probably because it is youth sentiment mingled with sweet memories in Congos’ most beautiful region Ashante sana. Rik

    • Moos 11 September 2018 at 04:44 - Reply

      What great coincidence Rik, nice story, thanks ..

  5. Harris Diavua Salakiaku 13 September 2018 at 07:01 - Reply

    Hey moos do you have another great soukous album from:

    • Moos 13 September 2018 at 09:46 - Reply

      ..unfortunately not Harris..

      • Harris Diavua Salakiaku 13 September 2018 at 16:18 - Reply

        Thank you, Moos, it’s very rare anyway.

  6. Georges Rossi 16 September 2018 at 08:13 - Reply

    hi moos, thanks for this nice album, I would like to ask if the songs seben 1 & 2 are really on vinyl because the cover shows that there are only 4 songs. thank you so much

    • Moos 16 September 2018 at 16:51 - Reply

      Yes they are really there..

  7. James 2 October 2018 at 11:20 - Reply

    Fantastic! Thanks as always for all the great work sharing this music.

  8. David Sullivan 10 October 2018 at 01:43 - Reply

    Dear Moos –

    Thanks for posting this great disk. I got a copy when it was posted by the Rhythm Connection blog in 2011 (after I had asked him whether he had any Dindo Yogo). He labelled the two sebenes (sebens?) as “Sebene 1 (Francy)” and “Sebene 2 (Bibi).” I agree with his labeling scheme, that those sebenes go with those songs. This explains why the album cover lists 4 songs but there are six tracks, but it opens another question about why the tracks are in this order, in particular why the opening of Francy is split from its sebene. Best answer I can figure out is that the album is intended as an infinite loop – the last song on record side A continues as the first song on side B, and the last song on side B continues as the first song on side A – and it should be played that way.

    • Moos 10 October 2018 at 03:47 - Reply

      Dear David, thank you so much for this explanation. It helps us understanding
      cheers, Moos.

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