September 4, 2018

Pamelo Mounk’a et Les Bantous de la Capitale
Josia Jee, Beaudley Star System 1986


On special request by blog friend Harris, today we have this 1986
album with Pamelo Mounk’a and Les Bantous de la Capitale. The
record is in mint condition and sounds just perfect. We are lucky
having it. It’s like it’s been recorded yesterday, enjoy..

Op speciaal verzoek van blog vriend Harris hebben we vandaag
deze 1986 plaat met Pamelo Mounk’a en Les Bantous de la Capitale.
Hij verkeert in mint conditie en klinkt gewoon perfect. Wat een
gelukkie dat we’m hebben. Alsof hij gisteren is opgenomen..

tracks ;

01 – Josie jee
02 – Alphabet
03 – Mwasi mpe abanda nainu
04 – Josia 2eme partie


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  1. Anonymous 4 September 2018 at 08:28 - Reply

    Thank you DJ Moos.

  2. Mouhamadou Falilou Ndiaye 4 September 2018 at 18:32 - Reply

    I bought it a few months ago and I gotta tell you I didn’t regret spending money on it. All the songs are beautiful. Alphabet kinda reminds me Ry Co Jazz with that Antillean feeling.

  3. Tim Harrison 6 September 2018 at 14:43 - Reply

    As with all Pamelo Mounk’a recordings, they are beautiful songs but too short. I have two of his LPs (not this one, surprisingly) and they none of them go over 30 minutes. Thanks for sharing this one with us.

    • Moos 6 September 2018 at 22:15 - Reply

      I agree, very short indeed..

  4. glinka21 7 September 2018 at 21:28 - Reply

    Thanks very much, Moos. Much obliged.

  5. Robert Song 9 September 2018 at 10:25 - Reply

    This is really wonderful.

  6. […] Josia Jee, avec les Bantous de la Capitale 1986 Showman, La Métamorphose de Pamelo Mounk’a et les Redoutables 1985 Selimandja 1980 Pamelo et les Bantous, Resurrection de Masuwa 1982 with Rochereau & Mbilia Bel, 20 Ans de Carrière 1983 Propulsion 1983 Self Titled 1981 Samantha 1982 Bantous Jazz 1985 Les Bantous de la Capitale 1976 Trio Ce.Pa.Kos, Orchestre le Peuple 1977 Les Bantous 1970 Orchestre le Peuple, Trio Ce.Pa.Kos 1977 le Peuple, Trio Ce.Pa.Kos 1975 All albums with Les Bantous de la Capitale […]

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