October 20, 2018

african acoustic
From the Copperbelt… Zambian Miners’ Songs
Various Artists, Original Music 1989


I was asked if there was more in this series and it just so
happens there is. I almost forgot about it. This one comes from
cd and it is from 1989. The songs the copper miners from the
early years in Zambia used to sing. Not only miners but also
minstrels who travelled from mine to mine putting on shows
in the compounds for a living. We hear about three languages,
Aushi, Bemba and Luunda. Bemba and Luunda being from Zaïre.

Ik kreeg de vraag of er meer delen in deze serie beschikbaar
waren en ik vergat bijna deze. Hij komt van cd en verscheen in
1989. We vinden hier de muziek van de kopermijnwerkers uit
de ‘Copperbelt’. We horen niet alleen de mijnwerkers maar ook
rondtrekkende muzikanten die van mijn naar mijn trokken en
shows opzetten om hun brood te verdienen. We horen hier
voornamelijk de talen, Aushi, Bemba en Luunda. Bemba en
Luunda zijn talen die uit Zaïre stammen.

tracks ;

01 – Stephen Tsotsi Kasumali – Konta iya iya konta
02 – Isaac Matafwami & Sunkutu – Eko bali mukanina bamayo
03 – Stephen Tsotsi Kasumali – Kazembe mayo
04 – Mbasela Kunda And William Munyanda – Nina namusonda sanguweji
05 – Stephen Tsotsi Kasumali – Kabula nina kamushalila
06 – Stephen Tsotsi Kasumali – Marita ku mampampa
07 – William Mapulanga & Friends – Mukashi wamunobe
08 – Stephen Tsotsi Kasumali – Ematambo waifwe bantu
09 – Isaac Matafwami & Sunkutu – Kakonko
10 – Stephen Tsotsi Kasumali – Amano yabulo noko
11 – John Lushi – Kapokola na ku kitwe
12 – John Lushi – Bamgufya ba kwoti banapengili amapa
13 – William Siwale & Friends – Mayo mayo
14 – Cisenga, Cungu & Musonda – Tubamu tumo tulawamisha
15 – Kabushi & Mwenya – Mwe baiyashi centeleni
16 – Cisenga, Cungu & Musonda – Castle beer
17 – Luson Mwape Muchalo – Chilumendo chakumona
18 – Four Pals – Maselino yayayuyayu
19 – Four Pals – Nifwe ba four pals

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  1. Max 21 October 2018 at 04:46 - Reply

    Thanks a lot, great label/series indeed!.
    I believe this one you upped before belongs in there as well:

    • Moos 21 October 2018 at 06:39 - Reply

      Hey yes, I think you’re right..

  2. Pete 21 October 2018 at 06:17 - Reply

    Many thanks for this one.

  3. gene 21 October 2018 at 22:47 - Reply

    thank you, very nice.

  4. Dennis Keogh 28 October 2018 at 05:46 - Reply

    An appreciation/obituary of John Storm Roberts…

    ..the guy behind Original Music, who organised much of this wonderful music.

  5. […] from the Copperbelt… Zambian Miners’ Songs from 1989 Zambiance from […]

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