November 7, 2018

Calypsos from Panama – Various Artists
Sounds of the Caribbean 1973


A short time back we already had that marvelous Panamenian
record with Kike Subia. The same day I found that one I also
stumbled upon this one, and in the same Amsterdam store.
Another great find from Panama but this time with Calypso.
Twelve nice songs by five different artists. I hope there will
be no censoring in the USA for there is a
nipple on the frontsleeve..

Kort geleden hadden we reeds die fijne Panamese plaat met
Kike Subia. Op dezelfde dag dat ik die vond, liep ik ook tegen
deze aan, in diezelfde Amsterdamse winkel, wat een mazzel.
Nog zo’n leuke Panamese elpee maar dit keer met Calypso.
Twaalf toffe songs door vijf verschillende artiesten. Ik hoop
dat hij door de censuur komt in de USA want
er is een tepel in beeld..

tracks ;

01 – Lady Trixie – Baptism
02 – Black Czar – Rookoombey
03 – Two-Gun Smokey – Bush
04 – Sir Jablonski – Big confusion
05 – Black Czar – My visit to seville
06 – Lord Panama – Gumbo calypso
07 – Sir Jablonski – Hallelujah
08 – Two-Gun Smokey – Vacation
09 – Black Czar – Bamboo dance
10 – Sir jablonski – Isabel
11 – Two-Gun Smokey – Donkey race
12 – Lord Panama – Grandma’s calypso


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  1. Pete 9 November 2018 at 15:03 - Reply

    Not just the cover art is great, the entire album is inspiring.

  2. Lord Mingyfly 5 April 2019 at 05:17 - Reply

    Hi Moos,
    massive blog you have here!
    I’m plundering right now and plan to comment to the records I liked most after listening
    (I always have to smile when after scrolling through all these African/Colombian/Caribbean/Samba records suddenly Captain Beefheart or T-Bone Walker appears!)
    thanks, thanks again and greetings from the other side of the dutch border (close to ‘Limbabwe’ ;-))

    p.s.: by the way the one above is down…

    • Moos 5 April 2019 at 07:25 - Reply

      thank you for reporting, it is back up .. cheers Lord

      • Lord Mingyfly 10 April 2019 at 07:06 - Reply

        Thanks for refreshing, Moos!

        the last days I collected some other ‘file not found’-links which I planned to report but as of today they are all working fine again! it’s magic!!! ;-)

        have a nice week, I certainly will because of your music!

  3. gloomood 8 July 2024 at 13:07 - Reply

    A small typo in zip name instead of “calypsos” is “calysos”

    • Moos 10 July 2024 at 05:24 - Reply

      thanks Gloomood, but as long as it works I leave as it is ..

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