November 25, 2018

Hydro Music – Self Titled
Industrie Africaine du Disque PF 77008


I tell you straight away, it has some background noise so if you’re
allergic to it, better leave this one alone. For everybody else, the
music is very nice. Just imagine you’re listening to it by the fire side.
This one is for you Nick, and thanks for the other one. This is an album
I can’t seem to find anything about, not googlable so to speak. It is
worth at least a couple of spins to my opinion though, listen..

Ik zeg het maar meteen, deze plaat kraakt wel een beetje dus als je
daar allergisch voor bent zou ik hem niet downloaden. Voor iedereen
die daar niet mee zit, de muziek is erg aangenaam. Doe gewoon net of
je er naar luistert bij de open haard. Deze is voor jou Nick en bedankt
nog voor die andere. Over deze elpee kan ik online niets vinden, hij is
zogezegd niet googlebaar. Ik denk dat hij het beluisteren waard is..

tracks ;

01 – Merci Betty
02 – Fely meme
03 – Confession
04 – Mobali abimaka pamba té


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  1. Pete 25 November 2018 at 08:34 - Reply

    Thanks for this one, but I`m confused. You announce it as s/t, but the files says Merci Betti as album title. Which one is correct?

    • Moos 25 November 2018 at 09:19 - Reply

      Hi Pete, the album has no title so in fact it is just Hydro Music, nothing else.
      In many cases it concerns a first album and I tend to call it self titled. Sometimes
      however it concerns a later album. I use to take the first song of the album to keep it
      from getting mixed up with other albums by the same group on my server. In this case,I just
      don’t know, so on the site I say Self Titled and on my server Merci Betty, pick your choice..

      The frontsleeve also has this symbol that looks like HC together, we could also call it HC ( Hydro musiC )..

  2. zaikonik 25 November 2018 at 14:09 - Reply

    thanks Moos, this is AMAZING !!

  3. zaikonik 25 November 2018 at 14:38 - Reply

    And this LP gives us at least a clue by naming the songwriters – Michel ‘Mick’ Moumpala sang with Mando Negra Kwala Kwa, Les Bantous and
    Le Peuple/Trip CE PA KA . So many fantastic short-lived bands in 70s Congo PR. Anyone know the other names on the back cover?

  4. Bombshelter Slim 26 November 2018 at 00:04 - Reply

    Moos, you are correct, it IS a little noisy, but who cares!! By the way, I have a Prince Thony Adex juju album you haven’t posted yet (“Sunny Ade Judgement Special”, I don’t know what the ‘judgement’ refers to, but it’s pretty good). Let me know how to get it to you (I have graphics too), it should appear here on Global Groove.

    • Moos 26 November 2018 at 07:54 - Reply

      hi Slim, I’d like that very much. Yoy can always
      use ‘wetransfer’ for instance and send it to . I would appreciate that..

  5. Niyi 28 November 2018 at 04:40 - Reply

    Thanks Moos. The music is very good. Too bad we don’t know anything about this group.

    • Moos 28 November 2018 at 05:15 - Reply

      I agree, nothing much we know except the names of the songwriters..

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