November 11, 2018

Mbilia Bel – Beyanga
Genidia 1987


In onze top twintig van meest gedownloade albums mag Colombia
dan de winnaar zijn, de meeste reacties komen nog altijd op muziek
uit Congo. Veel bezoekers hadden Congo hoger in de utslagen gehoopt
of verwacht. Vandaag weer eens een elpee in dat genre. In de categorie
Congo vinden we veel platen van zangers, bands maar eigenlijk nauwelijks
vrouwelijke artiesten. Ongetwijfeld zijn er naast Mbilia Bel nog wel andere
dames die mooie platen hebben gemaakt. We hebben Franco met Nana en
Baniel, die is mooi. Van Abeti en M’Pongo Love zijn er vast mooie platen
maar ik moet ze nog ontdekken. Onder de bezielende leiding van Tabu Ley
maakte Mbilia Bel een reeks pracht platen, waaronder deze ‘Beyanga’ uit
1987. Op het Genidia label en met Orchestre Afrisa..

In our top twenty of most downloaded albums Colombia may be the one
best represented, however the music from Congo is still the category that
gets the most reactions. Many visitors had hoped or expected Congo to end
up higher in the list so today another record from Congo. If we look in this
category we find lots of band and singers but hardly any female artists. No
doubt there are a lot of great female singers from Congo but part from
Mbilia Bel, Nana and Baniel who performed with Franco, we have not got
much. Abeti and M’Pongo Love must have made good albums But I am
yet to discover them. Under the inspirational guidance of Tabu Ley, Mbilia
Bel made a bunch of great records of which this 1987 ‘Beyanga’.
On the Genidia label and with orchestre Afrisa..

tracks ;

01 – Beyanga
02 – Mano mongba
03 – Mobali na ngai wana
04 – Napika


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  1. zaikonik 11 November 2018 at 10:47 - Reply

    Thanks for keeping the Congo going :) Here’s my favourite Mpongo Love…

    • Moos 11 November 2018 at 10:59 - Reply

      thanks Zaikonic, nice one, I’m on the lookout..

  2. Moos 11 November 2018 at 10:49 - Reply

    Jolie Detta is also present..

  3. zaikonik 11 November 2018 at 11:43 - Reply

    and Deesse with Bozi Boziana’s Anti-Choc

  4. Martin 11 November 2018 at 12:22 - Reply

    Well, my favorites are still the Igbo and Ghana highlife…

  5. Anonymous 15 November 2018 at 18:27 - Reply

    Hi Moos, this is the first Congolese K7 I bought in Matonge Kinshasa while visiting my uncle in Congo. My favorite song is Mobali na ngai wana about a woman who loves her husband so much that she prepared to carry him to all provinces of the former Zaïre. Great sebene. Rik

  6. glinka21 23 November 2018 at 03:40 - Reply

    Thanks, Moos!

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