November 5, 2018

Musica Angola, Merengues – Various Artists
Iefe 1988


Op het Portugese Iefe label vinden we deze casette met muziek
uit Angola. De tape is uit 1988 maar de muziek is volgens mij uit
de jaren zeventig. Artiesten als Os Jovens do Prenda, Carlos
Lamartine en Os merengues brengen mooie oude tunes op
deze tape met slechts zes nummers. ‘T is niet veel
maar wel goed, luister..

On the Iefe label from Portugal we find this casette with music
from Angola. It is a tape from 1988 but the music is from the
seventies if I’m not mistaking. Artists like Os Jovens do Prenda,
Carlos Lamartine and Os Merengues bring nice old tunes on
this tape with only six tracks. It is not much
but it is good, listen..

I received a request to re-post Empire Bakuba’s album
Obosini Kisomele. It was taken from the blog because
Syllart records threatened me with lawsuits if I would
not take it down. Sorry but can’t re-post for that reason.

tracks ;

01 – Os Merengues, Galiano Neto – Confiança
02 – Os Jovens do Prenda, Zé Queno – Nova Cooperação
03 – Taborda – Tété
04 – Lamartine – Kubonga
05 – Lamartine – Kimbemba
06 – Cananito Alexandre – Katshuamina


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  1. niyi 5 November 2018 at 16:02 - Reply

    Thank you moos. Too bad about Obosini Kisomele. Syllart haven’t made this available on reissued vinyl, cd or mp3 so I wonder why they care so much

  2. zaikonik 5 November 2018 at 17:49 - Reply

    I guess because Sylla died it’s the estate lawyers who are running the show ?

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