February 23, 2019

Semana Brasileira
Choros Que Marcaram Época – Various Artists
Intercd Gravações e Edições Musicais Ltda. 2001




Naast de bekende stijlen als samba, bossa nova en forró zijn er de
iets minder bekende zoals carimbó en choro of chorinho. Ik sla nog
wat stijlen over. Vandaag een cd met een aantal grote namen in de
choro. ‘Choros que Marcaram Época’, choros die een periode mar-
keren zogezegd. Dit is muziek uit de oude doos, meestal instrumen-
taal maar heel fijn luister spul. Je hoort raakvlak met samba maar
ook met jazz en klassieke muziek. Zeer de moeite, luister zelf ..

Next to the better known Brazilian styles such as samba, bossa nova
and forró we find lesser known music such as carimbó and choro or
chorinho. I do not mention all types. Today a cd with a number of the
bigger names in choro. ‘Choros que Marcaram Época’, choros which
mark an episode so to speak. This is stuff from our grand parents
time, mostly instrumental but delightful and solid listening material.
It has a touch of samba but also jazz and classical music, listen ..

tracks ;

01 – Pedroca – Flamengo
02 – Waldyr Calmon – Urubu malandro
03 – Abel Ferreira – Galo garnizé
04 – Nelson Miranda – Rouxinol
05 – Ademilde Fonseca – Pinicadinho
06 – Radamés Gnattali – Puxa puxa
07 – Guio de Morais – Ameno resedá
08 – Pereira Filho – Da cor do pecado
09 – Waldir Azevedo – Madrigal
10 – Odete Amaral – Murmurando
11 – Guio de Morais – Travesso
12 – Luiz Americano – É do que há
13 – Abel Ferreira – Doce melodia
14 – Pereira Filho – Conversa fiada
15 – Ademilde Fonseca – Pedacinhos do céu
16 – Poly – Apanhei-te cavaquinho
17 – Luiz Americano – Saxofone, por que choras
18 – Pedroca – Meu sonho
19 – Radamés Gnattali – Papo de anjo
20 – Luiz Americano – Sorriso de cristal


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  1. Barron Beshoar 26 February 2019 at 06:59 - Reply

    Thank you for this, Moos. I actually prefer choro to samba, so this should be a real treat. Hope you are fully recovered from your recent health crisis. You had me worried there for awhile.

    All the best from Boulder, Colorado, USA.

    • Moos 26 February 2019 at 08:03 - Reply

      Thank you Barron, enjoy listening ..

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