February 26, 2019

Semana Brasileira
João Nogueira – Clube do Samba
Polydor 1979


Zoals beloofd vandaag als afsluiter van de Semana Brasileira nog een plaatje
van João Nogueira. We begonnen met een album van zijn zus Gisa. João maakte
een kleine twintig platen. Dit is de zesde en is genoemd naar de historische Samba
Club in Rio de Janeiro welke helaas niet meer bestaat. Ik heb enkele mooie video’s
gevonden waarop deze te zien is. Prachtige beelden met de grote João Nogueira
waarop ook Gisa te zien is. Kijk vooral verder en laat Youtube je
meenemen naar de mooiste samba’s ..

As promised earlier this past week, when posting the first record in our Semana
Brasileira, today we end with an album by João Nogueira. We started with his sister
Gisa. João made some twenty records. This is his sixth and was called after the
famous ‘Clube do Samba’ in Rio de Janeiro which unfortunately doesn’t exist
anymore. I found some nice video’s about it. We see both João and Gisa among
many others. Watch much more as Youtube takes you along the finest samba’s ..

tracks ;

01 – Súplica
02 – Arquibundo
03 – Dama da noite
04 – Nicanor belas artes
05 – Canto do trabalhador
06 – Esse meu cantar
07 – Amor de dois anos
08 – Dia de azar
09 – Enganadora
10 – Terno branco
11 – Io io
12 – Samba rubro-negro


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  1. gregg 28 February 2019 at 23:26 - Reply

    I know Brasil has its problems. But one thing I have noticed is that if I see a picture on this (wonderful) site that has both black and white musicians I know it is going to be Brasil.

    • Moos 2 March 2019 at 21:09 - Reply

      Denada Deixa, aproveita ..

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