April 13, 2019

Disco Stock présente
Lita Bembo et le Stukas du Zaïre
Don Dass vol. 3, Disco Stock 1985

After a couple of busy days today we’re back online with
this killer record. Lita bembo and Stukas had such a style
of their own, it is incomparable with any other. You can
recognize it in an anstant. Always happy party music.
On Disco Stock and from 1985, get it & spread it ..

Na enkele drukke dagen zijn we vandaag terug online met
deze waanzinnig mooie plaat. Lita Bembo en zijn Stukas
hadden zo’n unieke stijl, onvergelijkbaar met welke dan
ook. Je herkent ze uit duizenden in een ogenblik. Altijd
zeer blije uptempo feest sound. Uit 1985 en op Disco
Stock, down, deel en beleef ..

tracks ;

01 – Kibata
02 – Moseka
03 – Mama na cadet
04 – Bizaleli


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  1. Pete 13 April 2019 at 16:07 - Reply

    Thanks Moos, but I`m not sure if this is just me … when I click on your website, this post doesn`t appear. Tristes Humanisters has linked your website and this post. And this post – at least for me – only appears when I click on the album link, not the website link. Any clarification would be helpful. Thanks in advance. Pete

    • Moos 13 April 2019 at 19:00 - Reply

      I don’t understand Pete, as far as I can see, everything works normal and opens normal.
      The album has been downloaded more than average, no complaints here ..

      • Pete 14 April 2019 at 00:29 - Reply

        It now works for me too. Must have been a problem with my internet settings or so.

  2. anon 13 April 2019 at 23:17 - Reply

    Download link isn’t working for me (captcha page just redirects to another captcha indefinitely)

    Other than that – thanks so much! Lita Bembo with Stukas is one of the Congolest greats for me! Love to see more of him. A really crucial part of the innovative generation in the 70s.

    • Moos 14 April 2019 at 07:30 - Reply

      Try again Anon, it works for everybody else ..

      • Anonymous 14 April 2019 at 08:50 - Reply

        Thanks working now. And thanks again for more Stukas!

  3. Geoff 14 April 2019 at 00:16 - Reply

    Funny you post this now, just last night I was watching the Stukas on Youtube – a fantastic Congo TV show from either 1975 or 1976 (the description has both)

    • Moos 14 April 2019 at 07:29 - Reply

      ..haha, super nice Geoff, I’ll put up the Youtube link ..

  4. Dennis 19 April 2019 at 13:37 - Reply

    Thanks Moos

  5. […] Don Dass vol. 3 1985 ..en Concert a Kishasa 1982 Afro Rythmes présente .. l’Afrique Danse 360.131 1979 l’Afrique Danse 360.130 1979 Franco présente Lita Bembo Nkolo Kwanga l’Afrique Danse 360.122 1978 […]

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