April 15, 2019

Etsako(r), Afenmai Theme Week, day 1
Etsakor Supreme Voices
Late Alhaji Zam Momodu
Kabakar Sounds 1980

Etsako people are one of the major ethnic groups in Edo State, Nigeria.
They presently occupy three local government areas of Edo State; these
are Etsako East, Etsako West and Etsako Central, with Agenebode, Auchi
and Fugar as their administrative headquarters. In some quarters the
people of Owan are referred to as Etsako. The Etsakos, Owans, and Akoko
-Edo people are often referred to as the Afenmai (Edo-North)This is due to
their close linguistic and historical relationship.

Etsakor people are widely known for their Etsakor music, with artists like
Honourable Vincent Ugabi, Sir Alhaji Waziri Oshomah, Late General Boliviia
Osigbeme, Late Madam Agbaobesi, Benji Igbadumhe, Agbi Dance Groups
of Weppa Wanno and Omoake Oshiomha .. etcetera, that entertain a large
number of Nigerians both in Edo & Delta states to Lagos, Kaduna, Kano
and to the northern states of Nigeria and Abuja in general.(Wikipedia)


Our visitor ‘Good to Go’ asked me to do this theme week of Afenmai Sound.
Your timing was perfect Good to Go, this weekend I met with Global Groove’s
main supplier of Etsakor music, Sofiane from France, at the Utrecht record
fair and found some more treasures. Next to Sir Waziri Oshomah, I can
let you hear some wonderful other artists from the area we spoke of ..
P.S. every album we have this week shall have some noise, this type
of records is impossible to find without little disturbance.

Een van onze bezoekers, ‘Good to Go’, vroeg me vorige onlangs of ik een
thema week met Afenmai Sound zou kunnen maken. Hij kwam daarmee
perfect op tijd omdat ik het afgelopen weekend Global Groove’s
belangrijkste leverancier van Etsakor muziek, Sofiane uit Frankrijk, op de
beurs in Utrecht weer zou ontmoeten. Naast platen van Sir Waziri Oshomah
heb ik nog wat andere pareltjes op de kop getikt welke deze week de revue
zullen passeren. P.S. Alle platen die deze week geplaatst worden zullen
enig gekraak vertonen, ze zijn onmogelijk te vinden in perfecte staat.

We had Etsakor Sound Voices in july 2018

tracks ;

01 – Wasinonwume
02 – Amagbor
03 – Nare
04 – Imams & rev. fathers


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  1. Good to Go! 19 April 2019 at 04:40 - Reply

    Thank you for this. Made my week so much better!

  2. paris 30 November 2019 at 16:38 - Reply

    Fantastic! Thank you!

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