April 17, 2019

Etsako(r), Afenmai Theme Week, day 3
Chief Anco Momodu and his
Natural Voice of Afemai vol. 1
Ijebor Records 1975

Op deze derde dag van onze Etsakor thema week hebben we een
zeer diepe highlife plaat met ‘Chief Anco Momodu’ en zijn ‘Natural
Voice of Afemai’. Enigszins getekend door de jaren is deze kraker
uit 1975 toch zeer het beluisteren waard. Op Ijebor Records ..

On this third day of our Etsakor theme week we have got this very
deep highlife record with ‘Chief Anco Momodu and his Natural
Voive of Afemai’. It is a somewhat noisy album but despite the
signs of time I think this elpee is very much worth listening to.
From 1975 and on Ije

tracks ;

01 – Ikpotso
02 – Odifiri
03 – Obamhukpo
04 – We-umamhe


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  1. Anonymous 21 April 2019 at 07:25 - Reply

    Morning Moos,
    Finally I downloaded the whole Etsako(r), Afenmai Theme Week. After a quick listening session I have already a favourite album. this one ! Chief Anco Momodu and his Natural Voice of Afemai. Love the guitar work and voices.
    I find the music very pleasing , maybe because it remind me of one of my favourite
    Highlife albums although from Ghana , Heavy mama of K.K.’s n2 Band.
    This one , I am going to play over and over.
    Thanks man.

  2. paris 26 April 2019 at 14:18 - Reply

    Again really appreciate these Etsakor posts! Thank you!

  3. Anonymous 13 August 2019 at 23:56 - Reply

    As I said this one was going to be played a lot. I do not know why ,as I have no real connection with High Life Music, but this one sends a vibe through my spine. If I ever have the chance to visit Western Africa I will be knowing some old skool music. Love it

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