April 16, 2019

Etsako(r), Afenmai Theme Week, day2
Sir Waziri Oshomah & his Family
Traditional Sound Makers
Decca WAPS 207, 1974

This is the eighth album we have by Sir Waziri Oshomah.
it is from 1974, Sir Waziri is the one who first caught my
interest in Etsakor and Afenmai music. Still the greatest !

Hier hebben we de achtste Sir Waziri Oshomah die we tot dusver
zien hier op de GG. Hij was de eerste artiest die mijn interesse
in Etsakor en Afenmai muziek wist te wekken, nog altijd no.1 !

tracks ;

01 – Egbemhenyemho
—–Amoi ma dumhamhaegbe
—–Okhala oviokhala
—–Rhagwu wenewgwe
02 – Alhaji col. f.a.z. shelu
03 – Egwili ozagboa II
04 – Alhaji inu umoru
05 – Oberaireghe


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