April 26, 2019

Typical Combo – “Ban Moin On Ti Femm'”
DebS 1977

Yesterday, Holland Tunnel Dive posted a wonderful album with
Typical Combo. On that album from 1975 we find Georges Plonquitte
being the main vocalist. Very nice, thank you Jillem. We also hear
a shout out for more music of Typical Combo. I have five of their
albums but none of them have Georges Plonquitte as singer.
Mostly vocals are done by Hiver Abidos or Daniel Dimba.
Georgers Plonquitte and his sweet cadence we find on later
records with ‘Cie'(compagnie). On this record of Typical Combo,
from 1977, we find both Hiver Abidos and Daniel Dimba but also
Rodrigue. Plonquitte was singer until
somewhere in 1975 if I’m correct.

Gisteren plaatste Holland Tunnel Dive een geweldige plaat van
Typical Combo.Op dat album uit 1975 vinden we Georges Plonquitte
als vocalist. Heel mooi, dank je Jillem. In het artikel wordt tevens
betreurd dat er zo weinig van Typical Combo te vinden is. Ik heb
vijf van hun platen maar op geen van hen is Georges Plonquitte
de zanger. Meestal worden de vokalen verzorgd door Hiver Abidas
of Daniel Dimba. Georgers Plonquitte wordt op de meeste
van zijn latere albums begeleid door ‘Cie’ (compagnie).
Op deze elpee van Typical Combo uit 1977 vinden we zowel
Hiver Abidas als Daniel Dimba maar ook Rodrigue.
Plonquitte zong tot ergens in 1975
als ik me niet vergis.

tracks ;

01 – Ban moin on ti femme
02 – Période difficile
03 – Vice et vertu
04 – Histoire de mechoui
05 – Observation
06 – Discorde


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  1. Anonymous 27 April 2019 at 04:45 - Reply

    Hey Moos, can you do UK based collectors a favour? Zippyshare is blocked over here for some time now. Can you re-post the Typical Combo album from Holland Tunnel Drive? Thanks in advance.

  2. Moos 27 April 2019 at 06:38 - Reply

    .. that is not really up to me Anonymous, can’t you ask Jillem over at Holland Tunnel Dive to give you an alternative link ?

  3. Sun Ira 27 April 2019 at 16:52 - Reply

    Moos, thanks for all your good works. I went over to Holland Tunnel Drive and couldn’t find a way to listen to the music or contact Jillem to ask for help. Any idea what I am doing wrong?

  4. Moos 27 April 2019 at 17:34 - Reply plonquitte et typical combo.rar

    copy paste complete link in your browser

  5. Tim 20 September 2019 at 19:22 - Reply

    Belated thanks for this one, Moos. I realized today that I’ve been listening to this since May, and I really enjoy this and other cadence albums you’ve posted. Good stuff, I can’t believe what a bottomless collection you have.

    • Moos 20 September 2019 at 20:49 - Reply

      hihi, sometimes I can’t believe myself ..

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