June 30, 2019

Congo Theme Week, day 7
Choc Stars – Carnaval Choc Stars
Editions Eprodis 1988

Hello groovers, seven days are way too little to give a decent
picture of the history of Congolese music. A group that many
people have asked for over the years is Choc Stars. We had a
couple of their records so far. This is a Zaïrian release I have
found not so long ago. Vocals by Ben Nyamabo, Lassa Carlito,
Debaba, Defao, Djuna Djana, Nyayadio, Zemano Kamza and
Petit Prince. This one is for Harris, Soukousman, Mikaya,
Dennis, Webs, Tim, Glinka, Blaise, Rick and all who love
the works of Choc Stars ..

Choc Stars Wikipedia
Discogs Discography

tracks ;

01 – Riana
—–Buma elengi
—–Jardin de mon coeur
—–Babengi ngai depasser
02 – Sikondo
—–Mauvais souvenir


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  1. Harris Diavua Salakiaku 30 June 2019 at 08:54 - Reply

    Thank you Moos I really love Choc Stars.

  2. Anonymous 2 July 2019 at 10:55 - Reply

    Thanks for this! Always enjoy Choc Stars. I think always worth giving credit also to Roxy Tshimpaka who was one of the real greats of Congolese Guitar. And Djo Mali on bass.

    I know requests are awful, but if you have any early Choc Stars with Bozi Boziana, that’s a period that is an absolute favourite

    • Eugene 3 November 2019 at 17:40 - Reply

      roxy was indeed the heart of choc stars

  3. Dennis 6 July 2019 at 07:42 - Reply

    Just caught up on the last week – thanks so much for these new (to me) Congolese albums – so much joy!

  4. peacenik 6 July 2019 at 18:05 - Reply

    A big belated THANK YOU for the week-long journey into the Congo!

  5. Placide Jr. (Congolese singer and comedian) 9 July 2019 at 16:34 - Reply

    Please can you upload this full Ntesa Dalienst lp?
    Here’s the link:

    • Moos 9 July 2019 at 20:46 - Reply

      I do not have that one ..

  6. Eugene 3 November 2019 at 17:39 - Reply

    choc stars is the best ever star studded band

  7. […] Carnaval de Choc-Stars 1988 Ben Nyamabo 1989 Oka Polisson Chauffe 1990 Langa Langa Stars & Choc-Stars 1983 Premier Amour 1989 Akufa Lobi Akoni Moto 1986 Kelemani 1986 Oko Ndizo Mbongwana Emonani Wikipedia Discogs […]

  8. Blaise 6 March 2021 at 22:01 - Reply

    bonsoir, pouvez-vous poster cet album rare de DEBABA ,DEFAO, SEDJO KHA de CHOC STARS , avec les titres tels que DATY , MUANA MOKONGO , IBRASON, MOKOLO MOSUSU (2ème version) ? svp ! Merci par avance

    • Moos 7 March 2021 at 08:55 - Reply

      Hello Blaise, I absolutely would post it if I had it,
      unfortunately I don’t ..

  9. […] Discogs Carnaval Choc Stars 1988 Ben Nyamabo 1989 Oka Polisson Chauffe 1990 langa Langa Stars et Choc Stars 1983 Premier Amour, […]

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