August 2, 2019

Noël Rosa – Noël Pela Segunda Vez
Various Artists

It is more then 10 years ago already that I made this compilation
with a selection of the works of Noël Rosa. Yesterday’s post with
Almirante got our friend Rik to hand me the link to the movie,
‘Noël, Poeta da Vila’. What a wonderful film. I was completely
blown away watching it. Incredible casting, the actor that plays Noël
Rosa, Rafael Raposo, looks so much like him, astonishing.
Next to Noël Rosa we see Ismaël Silva, Cartola, Aracy de Almeida,
Mario Reis, Francisco Alves and Almirante among others. Delightful
images of the old Rio de Janeiro, still called Guanabara in those days.
Watching the movie made me do another, more extensive compi.
Partly the same tracks but this time 26 songs, my favs of the 14 cd
box called Noël Pela Primeira Vez..

Het is alweer meer dan 10 jaar geleden dat ik deze compilatie heb
gemaakt met het werk van Noël Rosa. Gisteren’s post met Almirante
zorgde dat onze vriend Rik me de link bezorde van de film ‘Noël, Poeta
da Vila’. Wat een fantastisch werk, ik werd emotioneel geraakt
door die heerlijke beelden. Onwaarschijnlijk goede casting, de acteur
die Noël Rosa speelt, Rafael Raposo, lijkt zo ongelooflijk op hem,
geweldig gedaan. Naast Noël Rosa zien we Ismaël Silva, Cartola,
Aracy de Almeida, Mario Reis, Francisco Alves en Almirante onder
anderen. Prachtig ook hoe het oude Rio de Janeiro, toen nog
Guanabara, in beeld is gebracht. Ik kreeg hierdoor inspiratie
nog eens een uitgebreidere compi te maken, deels dezelfde
nummers, maar nu 26 stuks, mijn favorieten van de 14 cd’s
tellende box, ‘Noël Pela Primeira Vez’..

Historia da MPB
Nova Historia da MPB
Isaura Garcia
Noël Rosa na Voz de Araci de Almeida
Coração Brasileiro
Os Velhos Sambistas

tracks ;

01 – Minha viola
02 – Malandro medroso
03 – Cordiais sudações
04 – Por causa da hora
05 – Você foi o meu azar (com Arthur Costa)
06 – Mentiras de mulher
07 – Felicidade
08 – São coisas nossas
09 – Mulher indigesta
10 – Quem dá mais
11 – Coração
12 – Seu jacinto (com Ismaël Silva)
13 – Quem não dança (com Ismaël Silva)
14 – Onde esta a honestidade
15 – Gago apaixonado
16 – Vejo amanhecer
17 – Positivismo
18 – Devo esquecer (com Léo Villar)
19 – João Ninguém
20 – Arranjei um fraseado
21 – De babado (com Marilia Baptista)
22 – Conversa de botequim
23 – Cem mil-réis (com Marilia Baptista)
24 – Você vai se quiser (com Marilia Baptista)
25 – Quem ri melhor (com Marilia Baptista)
26 – Quantos beijos (com Marilia Baptista)


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  1. Anonymous 5 August 2019 at 18:29 - Reply

    Que boa postagem, Moos! Bem feito!

  2. Ian Franey 7 January 2021 at 18:59 - Reply

    That’s quite a feat in itself moos, digesting 14 jam packed discs and carefully selecting and posting 25 tunes. I’m going to seek out the film you mentioned also. Cheers

  3. […] Noël Pela Segunda Vez São Coisas Nossas Historia da MPB, Noël Rosa 1 1970 Nova Historia da MPB 1977 Os Velhos Sambistas Discogs Wikipedia […]

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