August 11, 2019

Tchico-Tchicaya – 20 Ans de Carrière
Black/ Mélody 1988

Gisteravond had ik een dj optreden bij een vriendin die 50 werd.
Ze komt uit Benin en had zo’n 120 gasten die overal vandaan kwa-
men. Gasten uit Frankrijk en zelfs uit Benin waren overgevlogen
om dit met haar te vieren. Ik was gevraagd de muziek te verzorgen
op dit bijzondere feestje. Weken had ik me voorbereid, playlist ge-
maakt, ik wilde dit goed doen. Tot mijn schande morste ik water
over mijn laptop nog voor het draaien van start ging. Wanhopig
geprobeerd de zaak te redden. computer droog geföhnd. Aan-
vankelijk leek dit te werken maar na enkele nummers viel hij uit.
Ik heb nu een kater van jewelste, zij moest zich behelpen met
Spottify, het was niet meer zo goed als de bedoeling was. Ik
m’n computer vernield met jaren werk aan playlists erop.
Je kunt zeggen, het is slechts materiele schade maar dat
voelt niet zo. Ik ben er doodziek van ..

Vandaag gaat het leven verder met Tchico-Tchicaya, mooie
muziek al kan ik er even niet echt blij van worden. Ik
hoop jij wel. Luister naar deze jubileum plaat ..

Yesterday I had an evening party at the home of a girlfriend
who turned 50. She is from Benin and had it organized in a big
way. Some 120 guests came over from France and even Benin
and other places to celebrate this special happening. I was as-
ked to take care of the music for this rare opportunity. For weeks
I had been preparing, made a playlist, I wanted to do this right.
To my shame and embarrassment I spilled water over my laptop
already before the party started. Desperately I tried to save the
event, drying my computer with a hairdryer. At first it seemed
to have worked but after playing a few numbers it crashed.
I’m suffering from a huge hangover now. (non alcoholic)She
had to do it with spotify, it wasn’t how it was meant to be
anymore. I have destoyed my computer which contained
years of work in playlists. You may say it is material damage
but that is not how it feels. I’m completely sick of it ..

Today life goes on with this album by Tchico-Tchicaya, nice
record but I’m not really able to enjoy it now. I sincerely
hope you do. Listen to this anniversary record ..

Officers of African Music from 1985
Mon Enfant from 1982
Feu Rouge from 1982
Soukous Machine from 1987
et so Orchestre Kilimandjaro from 1982
Enfant a la Voix d’Or, Message from 19??
Afro Festival from 1979
Méditation from 1980
la Voix d’Or d’Afrique from 1983
Les Evades de Ponto le Belle from 1983
dans Tam Tam d’Afrique from 19??
Amie Clara from 1980
Josintha from 1978
Tchico & Lolo Lolitta from 1979
Golden Voice from 1979
Le Retour des Évadés de Ponton la Belle from 1979
Discogs Discography

tracks ;

01 – l’Ambiance à paris
02 – Balancer la musique
03 – Jeannot nº 2
04 – Tam-tam bantous
05 – l’Afrique de l’an 2000
06 – Loango city


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  1. Wijnand 11 August 2019 at 14:12 - Reply

    Dat is flink balen zeg

  2. Bob Terlingen 11 August 2019 at 16:42 - Reply

    Enorm klote dit voor je! Durf het niet te vragen, maar geen backup regelmatig gemaakt ? na een soortgelijke ervaring heb ik mijn les geleerd: wekelijks een backup. Sterkte Moos !

  3. Anonymous 11 August 2019 at 18:21 - Reply

    I’m sorry for you. Yesterday, I thought about this situation. I thought of a DJ who at the last minute can not ensure his performance, because of a last-minute incident.
    Always make a backup (or better, two) of your data.

  4. Anonymous 11 August 2019 at 18:30 - Reply

    If you authorize me, some advices. Even with this kind of dommage you certainly can fetch your data. Extract your hard disk and attempt to read it from another computer. If data are not accessible, perhaps can you consult some expert which could restore your data. Hope this can help you.

  5. Mr Menz 11 August 2019 at 20:14 - Reply

    Tchico teamed up with Passi Jo in Australia where they made an album Anybody has a copy?

  6. Good to Go! 11 August 2019 at 22:32 - Reply

    Sorry to hear of your troubles.

    Years ago, my hard drive died right after I returned form a nine month job that took me through six different countries. I lost all the photos, videos, music and field recordings I made while traveling. I’m not going to lie, it still hurts.

    Hang in there.

  7. Anonymous 12 August 2019 at 00:45 - Reply

    Sorry, to hear about the laptop and playlists Moos. There are programs that you can use to retrieve files from a damaged hard drive. Good luck.


  8. Robert Matalanga 12 August 2019 at 06:29 - Reply

    Sorry for the misfortune and thank you for this wonderful muisc

  9. khepa 12 August 2019 at 06:34 - Reply

    Dear brother, sorry to hear about this awful mishap. i hope a computer tech can retrieve all for you from the laptops hard drive. Always back up!

  10. Bear 12 August 2019 at 07:05 - Reply

    So sorry to hear about your laptop/party disaster. I feel your pain. The only gig commitment I ever failed to meet was a wedding. I was cut off from the wedding venue by flooded highways. Nothing I could do. No music for the reception. The bride was a friend. She never spoke to me again.

    I hope you can recover your playlists.

    Thanks for this great record. I really enjoyed the video.

  11. Moos 12 August 2019 at 07:12 - Reply

    Thank you for the feedback folks.
    To be clear I didn’t loose any of the used data, the loss
    lies in playlists I made in Winamp, not the regular ones which are filed
    in ‘my documents’ but the special playlists in the left section of Winamp.
    I already spoke with my engineer who may have a solution, we’ll see.
    If they can be retrieved I’ll tell you, cheers ..

  12. johan verstraelen 12 August 2019 at 10:06 - Reply


    Af en toe gebeurt het onvermijdelijke waar je niet op voorzien bent! Ik kan me best voorstellen wat een hoop miserie het is om al dat geleverde werk terug in orde te krijgen! Ik hoop dat je de playlists kan herstellen!
    Weet dat je met uw blog in ieder geval mij veel plezier levert !!

  13. Lorenzo Teran 12 August 2019 at 14:15 - Reply

    Sorry to hear that. This globalization through the Internet allows us to get wonderful music from you but it is difficult to help you back when things like this one happen. As someone said earlier, sometimes it is feasible to recover some data, although, in my experience, it is not easy to recover the disc content entirely. Good luck.

  14. gerrit 23 August 2019 at 16:07 - Reply


  15. Nick 25 August 2019 at 22:33 - Reply

    Sorry to hear about the trouble Moos – hope it works out. Take care, Nick

  16. […] 20 Ans de Carrière 1988 Le Commandant Tchico, Full Steam Ahead ! 1985 Mon Enfant 1982 Feu Rouge 1982 Soukous Machine 1987 with Orchestre Kilimandjaro 1982 Message Afro Festival 1979 Méditation 1980 La Voix d’Or d’Afrique 1983 Les Evadés de Ponto le Belle 1983 Tam-Tam d’Afrique Amie Clara 1980 Josintha 1978 Tchico and Lolo 1979 Golden Voice 1979 Le Retour des Évadés de Ponton la Belle 1979 Fidel Zizi 1986 Kinzonzi André, No.1 Congo Dianga Chopin 1984 Bantous Jazz 1985 Les Officiers of African Music 1985 Jean Serge Essous & Nino Malapet Orchestre le Peuple 1975 […]

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