September 24, 2019

Les Champions du Zaïre
Hommage a Franco O.K. Jazz
Espera 1990

One year after the sad passing of ‘le Grand Maître’ Franco Luambo
Makiadi, a group of friends and associates came with this tribute. The
list of Franco records at the GG is long. Dig in and discover a treasure.
Much can be said about the life and works of this great Congolese
music master. Here are some articles on the subject ..

Een jaar na de tragische dood van ‘le Grand Maître’ Franco Luambo
Makiadi, bracht een groep vrienden en collega muzikanten deze ode
aan de meester. De lijst Franco platen hier op de GG is lang. Duik er
in en ontdek een schat aan prachtige muziek. Er is veel gezegd en
geschreven over deze legendarische artiest. Hier een aantal artikelen ..


tracks ;

01 – Mayalalele
02 – Bon retour
03 – Okabi ngai yo moko
04 – Amour consigne
05 – Bina momi la zouk
06 – C’est trop tard mon amour


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  1. Jos Zimny 24 September 2019 at 22:41 - Reply

    This album was released in the beginnings of 1990.
    It was released on the famous Espera Records, which owned the famous Madeline Studio near Gare Central, Bruxelles.
    Les Chapimons du Zaire performed at Open Tropen 1990, headlining. with Ntesa Dalienst present.
    notice what is stated with this video-clip: Les Champions Du Zaïre En Belgique (1989) this was actually 1990.. The same year Simba Wanyika played Open Tropen.
    Unfortunately to many members of this orchestre of TPOK Jazz musicans anre no longer more among us: – Dialungana Kassis Gerry; Lomingo Alida (Stukas); Kasongo wa Kasongo (Bana OK cd Bakitani Sterns); Kiwakan Kiala Aimé; Mantuika Kobi Thiery; Maidlu System.
    The album states on the cover Album N: 1.
    Unfortunately due to upheavels in Zaire, the Espera label (ownerJean Martin, a famous belgian producer/manager) with then Zairean orchestres/artists like Choc Stars, Thsala Muana; Zaiko F.D; Madilu System, among others had to fight with lots of problems, so the follow up to Les Champions du Zaire N:1, the Brussel based TPOK Jazz musicians were lost in oblivion. And a much fooked forward N: 2 and so , didn’t get recorded.
    At the time 1991 Nana et Baniel released on Espera Bouger le coq chante
    at the same time a 12 inch was released by Dieudos Makwanzi “L’immortel Luambo Makiadi Franco” chante par Nana et Baniel (Espera).
    U can hear this song from
    time 6’58 – 14.14 minutes.
    In 1990 the first Hommage a Franco concert was organised by Espera, Musica Tropical in Canal Street, Bruxelles where the crëme de la crême of La Musique Zairoise was present. Thanks to Espera and José Kapesa’s Maison Musique Tropical.
    Josbelcongo, Jolie Zaire; Bellecongo productions.

    • Moos 25 September 2019 at 06:12 - Reply

      I guess I got confused with the cd release which is from 1996.
      Thank you very much for pointing me to the mistake, I have now
      changed it to 1990 as you mention. great info btw, thanks a lot Jos ..

  2. Peter Marlow 25 September 2019 at 00:33 - Reply

    Moos my old friend, the download link doesn’t seem to work.
    I’ve tried both Chrome and Firefox.


  3. Peter Marlow 25 September 2019 at 00:40 - Reply

    Okay, I’m unable to download any albums from the site at present. Maybe my pc is like me – exhausted from laughing at Boris all day.

    I’ll try again in a few days.

  4. Peter Marlow 26 September 2019 at 02:50 - Reply

    All fine now Moos.

  5. […] Les Champions du Zaïre, Hommage a Franco from 1990 Le Bon Vieux Temps de l’OK Jazz, vol.1 from 1980 Chez Fabrice a Bruxelles from 1983 Originalité, Original 1956 Recordings from 1990 en Colere vol.1 from 1980 Merveilles du Passé 1963 from 1986 Franco, Vicky et l’OK Jazz, Merveilles du Passé 1962 from 1987 Franco et l’Orchestre OK Jazz vol.1 from 1977 Franco et l’Orchestre OK Jazz vol.3 from 1977 a l’Ancienne Belgique from 1985 en Colere vol.2 from 1980 in Memoriam Volumes 1 to 10 from 1989 Héritage de Luambo Franco from 1990 Orchestre OK Jazz – Héritage du Grand Maître from 19?? Copération from 1982 Mabele from 1974 Merveilles du Passé no.1 from 1969 chez Safari Club de Bruxelles from 1984 Les Merveilles du Passéfrom 1984 Live Recording of the Afro-European Tour from 1978 Franco Joue avec Sam Mangwana from 19?? Attaquent Anjela from 1988 Chez Rythmes et Musiques à Paris from 1984 Michelino et Franco from 1984 with Baniel & Nana from 1988 Franco presents Madilu System from 1985 Merveilles du Passé 1957/1958 from 1986 se Déchaînent from 1982 Franco présente Josky Kiambukuta from 1983 Mario from 1985 l ‘Animation Non Stop from 1987 Les Mayeno a Gogo from 19?? OK Jazz vol. 1&2 from 1977 in Nairobi from 1986 African Party from 1977 avec Ntesa Dalienst from 1987 Tres Impoli from 19?? Franco et Josky, Bonne Fête from 1984 à Paris from 19?? Live en Hollande from 1987 Attention na SIDA from 1987 Franco, nana & Baniel Cherche une Maison from 1988 La Reponse de Mario from 1988 Franco présente le Prince Youlou from 1981 & l’Orchestre TPOK Jazz from 1977 à Paris, On Entre OK, On Sort KO vol.1 from 1980 Keba na Matraque from 1982 Editions Populaires from 1974 A 0 Heures chez 1-2-3 from 19?? La Vie des Hommesw from 1986 l ‘Afrique Danse No.6 from 1968 Editions Populaires from 1974 Special 30 Ans par le Poete Simaro from 1986 Luambo Makiadi, Editions Populaires from 1982 Ekaba Kaba from 19?? Rochereau et Franco, l’Evenement à Paris from 19?? Discogs Discography […]

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