September 9, 2019

Martinho da Vila – Origens Pelo Telefone
RCA Victor 1973

Samba is nog altijd een van de meest fascinerende muzieksoorten
naar mijn mening. Vanmorgen werd ik wakker in de wetenschap
dat ik iets van Martinho da Vila moest posten, weet niet waar het
vandaan kwam maar nog voor de koffie had ik zijn platen uit de kast
getrokken. Martinho was van het begin af een van mijn favorieten.
Deze plaat is uit 1973, een jaar waarin veel moois gebeurde op mu-
zikaal gebied, ook Martinho da Vila was op zijn best in die tijd. Deze
elpee is op vandaag blijven wachten en bevat enkele van zijn pareltjes.
Luister naar nummers als ‘Não chora meu amor’, ‘Tudo, menos amor’
en ‘Pelo telefone’, samba snoepjes van de bovenste plank ..

One of the most fascinating kinds of music to my opinion is still samba.
This morning I woke up knowing I was going to post some of the work
of Martinho da Vila. No idea where it came from but already before my
first coffee I had pulled his records from the shelf. Martinho has been
one of my favourites from the very beginning. This album is from 1973,
a year in which so many great records were made. Also Martinho da Vila
was at his best in those days. This elpee has been waiting to get posted
today and contains some of his finest songs. Listen to numbers like ‘Não
chora meu amor’, ‘Tudo, menos amor’ and ‘Pelo telefone’, samba
pearls from the top shelf as we say in the Netherlands ..

Samba dos Bons from 1974
Nem Todo Crioulo é Doido from 1968
Rosa do Povo from 1976
Canta Canta, Minha Gente from 1974
Nova História da MPB from 1978
Meu Laiáraiá from 1970
Maravilha de Cenario from 1975
Batuque na Cozinha from 1972
Martinho da Vila from 1969
Discogs Discography

tracks ;

01 – Tributo a Monsueto,
—–Casa um da vila
—–Larga meu pé
—–Eu quero essa mulher
—–Mora na filosofia
—–A fonte secou
—–Lamento da lavadeira
02 – A hora e a vez do samba
03 – Não chora meu amor
04 – Antonio, joão e pedro
05 – Tudo, menos amor
06 – Requenguela
07 – Pelo telefone
08 – O caveira
09 – Beto navalha
10 – A feira
11 – Som africano
12 – Fim do reinado


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  1. matata 9 September 2019 at 14:58 - Reply

    One of the most fascinating kinds of music to my opinion is still samba….agreed! Thanks for this post.

  2. Filipe de Lima Canuto 8 October 2019 at 04:39 - Reply

    Martinho da Vila says that it was recorded after a trip to Angola where he was trying to find the origins of samba. Also, “Pelo Telefone” is a mention to the first samba ever recorded. So its a album dedicated to the roots of samba. At these days, Angola were in a liberation stuggle and when he came back do Brazil under a dictatorship, he had some issues to release this album. They tried to hold it like saying the cover shows some marijuana leaves which is obviously false, but they could do things like that.

  3. […] Origens Pelo Telefone 1973 Samba dos Bons 1974 Nem Todo Crioulo é Doido 1968 Rosa do Povo 1976 Canta Canta, Minha Gente 1974 Nova História da MPB 1978 Meu Laiáraiá 1970 Maravilha de Cenario 1975 Batuque na Cozinha 1972 Self Titled 1969 Amba da Casa Wikipedia Discogs […]

  4. […] 1977 Origens Pelo Telefone 1973 Samba dos Bons 1974 Nem Todo Crioulo é Doido 1968 Rosa do Povo 1976 Canta Canta, Minha Gente […]

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