October 27, 2019

Franco et le T.P.O.K. Jazz
Disque d’Or et Maracas d’Or 1982
Edipop 1982

In navolging van Worldservice, op 12 oktober j.l. was het 30 jaar
terug dat Franco overleed. Zoveel mooie platen, zoveel verhalen,
de bron is onuitputtelijk. We hadden al veel van zijn platen maar
deze dubbelaar op Edipop uit 1982 heb ik nog niet hier of bij de
diverse collega’s gezien. Ik kan je niet zoveel vertellen als Stefan,
ik heb alleen de muziek voor je. POP 021 verkeert in goede staat,
POP 022 ziet er schoon uit maar ruist helaas. Geniet eens te
meer van het werk van le Grand Maître ..

Following the post on Worldservice, on october 12th it was 30 yrs.
ago that Franco died. So many wonderful records, so many stories,
the well is inexhaustible. We had us quite some of his records al-
ready but this dubble album on Edipop from 1982 I haven’t seen
here or at the blogs of our colleagues until now. I can’t tell you
as much as Stefan can, I just have the music for you.POP 021 is
in fine condition, POP 022 looks clean but has some hiss
unfortunately. Enjoy the works of
le Grand Maître once more ..

Les Champions du Zaïre, Hommage a Franco from 1990
Le Bon Vieux Temps de l’OK Jazz, vol.1 from 1980
Chez Fabrice a Bruxelles from 1983
Originalité, Original 1956 Recordings from 1990
en Colere vol.1 from 1980
Merveilles du Passé 1963 from 1986
Franco, Vicky et l’OK Jazz, Merveilles du Passé 1962 from 1987
Franco et l’Orchestre OK Jazz vol.1 from 1977
Franco et l’Orchestre OK Jazz vol.3 from 1977
a l’Ancienne Belgique from 1985
en Colere vol.2 from 1980
in Memoriam Volumes 1 to 10 from 1989
Héritage de Luambo Franco from 1990
Orchestre OK Jazz – Héritage du Grand Maître from 19??
Copération from 1982
Mabele from 1974
Merveilles du Passé no.1 from 1969
chez Safari Club de Bruxelles from 1984
Les Merveilles du Passéfrom 1984
Live Recording of the Afro-European Tour from 1978
Franco Joue avec Sam Mangwana from 19??
Attaquent Anjela from 1988
Chez Rythmes et Musiques à Paris from 1984
Michelino et Franco from 1984
with Baniel & Nana from 1988
Franco presents Madilu System from 1985
Merveilles du Passé 1957/1958 from 1986
se Déchaînent from 1982
Franco présente Josky Kiambukuta from 1983
Mario from 1985
l ‘Animation Non Stop from 1987
Les Mayeno a Gogo from 19??
OK Jazz vol. 1&2 from 1977
in Nairobi from 1986
African Party from 1977
avec Ntesa Dalienst from 1987
Tres Impoli from 19??
Franco et Josky, Bonne Fête from 1984
à Paris from 19??
Live en Hollande from 1987
Attention na SIDA from 1987
Franco, nana & Baniel Cherche une Maison from 1988
La Reponse de Mario from 1988
Franco présente le Prince Youlou from 1981
& l’Orchestre TPOK Jazz from 1977
à Paris, On Entre OK, On Sort KO vol.1 from 1980
Keba na Matraque from 1982
Editions Populaires from 1974
A 0 Heures chez 1-2-3 from 19??
La Vie des Hommes from 1986
l ‘Afrique Danse No.6 from 1968
Editions Populaires from 1974
Special 30 Ans par le Poete Simaro from 1986
Luambo Makiadi, Editions Populaires from 1982
Ekaba Kaba from 19??
Rochereau et Franco, l’Evenement à Paris from 19??
Discogs Discography

LP1, tracks ;

01 – Très faché
02 – Soeto
03 – Coup de foudre

LP2, tracks ;

01 – Farceur
02 – Tangawusi
03 – Nganda lopango batekisa
04 – Na yebi ndenge bokolela ngai


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  1. David 27 October 2019 at 20:46 - Reply

    Christmas just arrived early🙂.

  2. Anonymous 29 October 2019 at 15:17 - Reply

    Thanks a lot, Moos

  3. Issa 30 October 2019 at 10:49 - Reply

    Many thanks for increasing this wonderful collection of Franco & T.P. O.K. Jazz, and so many great artists who worked for this band.
    RIP Franco, RIP Simaro, RIP Madilu, RIP Dalienst, RIP Djo Mpoyi, Kiwakana and so many others…

  4. Tim 30 October 2019 at 16:58 - Reply

    Wow, thank you very much for this post, Moos. I’m always happy to add some more Franco to my collection. Have a great day!

  5. Pete 1 November 2019 at 13:36 - Reply

    Some wonderful track there Moos. Tangawusi is a long time favourite.

    PS – can you please remove my previous post – it has my surname on it!

  6. Greg 3 December 2019 at 20:28 - Reply

    Thank you so much for this. I have tons of Franco but I’ve been looking for the full version of “Na yebi ndenge bokolela ngai” for decades. It was truncated on the CD release and I always suspected the sebende was glorious – and it is!

  7. Dokotolo 30 May 2020 at 12:42 - Reply

    Merci Beaucoup Moos ,Thèse Timeless Gems will Always resonate in our lives and posterity.
    Would You Mind Sharing Thése Two Tracks
    1)Sodom et Gomorrhe _ Djo Mpoyi and Empopo Loway
    2)Ma Moke _ Orch Veve
    Merci en avance

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