November 11, 2019

Chico da Silva – Samba Também é Vida
Phonogram 1978

Ik heb me er altijd over verbaasd. Als je in de Braziliaanse
afdeling van platenzaken zoekt, vind je Bossa Nova, Tropi-
calia, allerlei funk gerelateerde muziek maar zelden samba.
Persoonlijk, maar dat wist je al, vind ik samba de fijnste Bra-
ziliaanse muziek, de muziek van het volk. Door de jaren heen
heb ik er al heel wat fijne plaatjes mee gepost. Kijk eens in
de samba sectie van de Global Groove en verlies jezelf.
Dit is de tweede elpee van Chico da Silva, hij klinkt een beetje
als de grote Martinho da Vila. Luister zelf ..

I always wondered why, if you search the Brazillian section
in most record stores you find Bossa Nova, Tropicalia, all kinds
of funk related music but seldom samba, the sound of the people.
Personally, but you already knew, I think samba is the nicest of
all Brazillian musical styles. Over the years I have posted lots
of samba albums. Take a look in our samba section and loose
yourself. This is Chico da Silva’s second album, he sounds a bit
like the great Martinho da Vila. Listen and make up your own mind ..

Samba: Quem Sabe Diz … his first from 1977

tracks ;

01 – A chave
02 – Esquadrão de samba
03 – Convite a roberto carlos
04 – Setembrino
05 – Quem bate aí ?
06 – Amor sem juizo
07 – Segura eu
08 – Diário de um boêmio
09 – Abraços de noel
10 – Pra chatear
11 – Choramingo de saudade
12 – Samba também é vida


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  1. Anonymous 15 November 2019 at 06:22 - Reply

    Hi Moos,
    I cannot agree more . Although I also love Bossa a lot. the chorus in samba songs makes people sing and gives a spirit of togetherness.. Thanks for this one, mate You are my only source for decent Samba Rik

  2. Anonymous 19 November 2019 at 16:04 - Reply

    Thanks Moos.

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